
…consider tools like GitHub Copilot, which claims to be “your AI pair programmer”. These work by leaning on the code of thousands and thousands of projects to build its code auto-complete features.

When you copy broken patterns you get broken patterns. And I assure you, GitHub, Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, stacks of libraries and frameworks, piles of projects, and so on, are rife with accessibility barriers.

  •  xuxxun   ( ) 
    42 years ago

    “Accessibility is about people.” Interesting perspective. In the end it is people, and organizations made of people, who decide to build our world as inaccessible. Having accesibility at the forefront of design would solve a lot of the problems that AI tools try to help with . An ideal world would be where good accesibilty is built into our systems directly, no matter whether we are talking about operating systems or social systems.