Hey there! I tried loading up beehaw from my computer, and I am getting hit with a crowd sec ban? I can still access just fine from jerboa and mobile, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Is anyone else getting hit by this? Did my ip get banned for some reason?

  • Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Yes, Crowdsec is a protection mechanism in place to try and stop bad actors/bruteforce attacks.

    I just cleared everyone on this certain blocklist, which means you should be good for now, again.

    Sorry this was happening to you and other users.

  • Same here. I’m a brand new user as of today and the ban suddenly happened a few minutes after first login on my home network, as I was subscribing to communities that seemed interesting to follow. After having clicked subscribe on like 5-10 communities the clicks on the subscribe link just started timing out, and then I got the crowdsec ban page when I tried to reload the page.

      • I was using safari on the iPad with the Purify ad blocker extension, but I run Purify on the iPhone I’m posting this from right now as well (but on cellular rather than my home wifi). I did log in both in the web interface and in the iOS app “mlem” in short succession though - maybe that triggered some security response.

  • I just got this same thing twice now whenever I try to view a post outside my instance (which is problematic since federation is not working well right now). “CrowdSec Access Forbidden”