Donald Trump will be arraigned in federal court today, Miami braces for protest


  • Court appearance takes place at 3 pm ET in Miami
  • Expected to plead not guilty to 37 counts
  • Will voluntarily turn himself in before that
  • Will be fingerprinted digitally
  • Mugshot will likely not made public
  • Will not be handcuffed

Former president Donald Trump will be arraigned in Miami federal court Tuesday to face 37 counts connected to his keeping hundreds of classified documents at his Mar-A-Lago estate in Palm Beach after leaving the White House.

Trump has his first appearance scheduled for 3 p.m. Tuesday at the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse in downtown Miami. Federal agents and police, media and crowds of supporters and detractors are expected to fill the streets around the courthouse.



Live Streams




Times are Eastern Standard Time



Police motorcycle escort arriving at Doral. Play



Trump Motorcade heading to Miami Courthouse Play



Trump posts to social media from motorcade



Trump arrives at Miami Courthouse Play



Donald Trump formally arrested on federal charges, will appear before a judge shortly Play



  • Trump now in federal court

  • Special Counsel Jack Smith is in attendance

  • Trump pleads “not guilty” to all 37 federal charges


  • Trump has been released without any travel conditions, as he is reportedly not a flight risk per the judge.

  • The judge said that former President Trump could have no contact with any witnesses in the case


  • Trump motorcade leaves courthouse through crowded streets

  • Protesters, one wearing a prisoner costume, jump in front of Trump’s motorcade as he leaves court Play



Trump makes a stop at Cafe Versailles after leaving courthouse Play



  • Trump departs Miami airport for New Jersey

  • will deliver speech at 8pm from Bedminster

  • I would love to see him in a regular prison like he deserves, but can a person with secret service protection even get anything worse than house arrest? I’ve been unable to find clarifying information on this.

    What he deserves is to not have special treatment anymore, but who knows how it will happen

    • I would imagine convictions related to espionage would probably strip you of any secret service protection. People argue that it’s a former president’s right to have SS protection, but remember the SS hasn’t always been about protecting anyone, the used to only be counterfeit currency police

      •  itty53   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        I think at this stage removing it would be equivalent to tattooing “assassinate me” on his forehead.

        Look I hate the guy too and he doesn’t deserve his freedom, but there’s a large number of people in this world who would love to merc a former POTUS regardless of who that POTUS is or what they did. And frankly Trump is more dangerous as a martyr than he is alive and alone on house arrest for the rest of his life.

        Edit, dead he can’t speak for himself anymore, alive all he does is bury himself further every time he opens his mouth. Let him. Let him babble incoherently into obscurity. My father in law was full on MAGA and just last week he called Trump “fucking retarded” off-handedly. My wife and I both felt relief instantly. The dude is losing all but the extreme fringe.

        •  ewe   ( ) 
          282 years ago

          Yeah, ideal solution is that the SS detail remains intact and he just goes to jail and the SS just deals with it. I’ve heard that solitary is a good way to protect inmates when a substantial number of other inmates want to do them harm. Just sayin’

        •  takeda   ( ) 
          162 years ago

          I think if it comes down to president going to jail the secret service benefit should be waived. It’s not that hard to keep the protection, just don’t commit crimes. We are living in a country that supposed to have one law that applies to everyone. Having people being treated differently, because of who they are is what Russia has.

          • Having people treated differently to achieve equal outcomes is what we strive for. When it’s shown that minorities are discriminated against in hiring, people suggest affirmative action to level the playing field. When somebody is asked to testify again dangerous people, they’re put in witness protection to be afforded the same security as any average citizen.

            When somebody carries a unique cultural status, such that they would surely be killed if left to their own devices, that person is given protection to ensure that they live, and aren’t handed a death sentence without trial. That’s not what Russia does. Really, one could argue that “not letting a political figure get assassinated” is the exact opposite of what Russia does.

            •  takeda   ( ) 
              32 years ago

              Presidents didn’t have lifetime secret service protection, and if I recall VP ended as soon as the term ended.

              You have example of accommodations related to work, or when somebody testifies against dangerous criminal. I don’t recall we provide any assistance when somebody is going to jail to ensure equality. In fact the only thing we do makes things unequal.

              Reality Winner was deemed a flight risk when she leaked a single document to newspaper. This guy was free to walk immediately after, didn’t even have to pay a bail.

              As for risk of assassination. The secret service is provided by the government. So is jail. The government makes sure that convicts don’t escape but also controls who gets in. To protect inmate from others they can isolate them as well.

            •  takeda   ( ) 
              12 years ago

              How come? He is no longer a president. He also broke the law. It sounds like no laws should apply to him anymore.

              Also, shouldn’t we also provide Secret Service for people like Pelosi or Schiff? They weren’t even indicted and there are people who want to murder them.

        • I mean his following doesn’t have the best attention span they’ll just move on to the next guy. Just hope seeing this mega-criminal actually punished will discourage others from attempting the same power grab but who knows…

          •  itty53   ( ) 
            2 years ago

            Thing is the next guy can’t actually invigorate them because it’s DeSantis. Or Ted Cruz, whom I suspect will actually end up with the nomination. DeSantis is a shitbag but he’s entirely lacking in the crowd pleasing department. MAGA diehards are all that’s left and they hate him already. Then there’s Cruz, who will be a direct opposite to that brand - trying to sell himself as a moderate. Real hard to get people excited about that, and they’ve spent a decade or more undercutting that exact platform. Plus he’s Ted Cruz. Dude is a total loser to every side.

            The brand of ego maniac that creates a Trump isn’t common enough for Republicans to just spin up a new one. We’ve watched them try time and again the last 8 years and it’s laughable how badly it goes for them. I disdain Trump but I can recognize that aspect clearly. The guy was massively and mainstream popular for decades prior to his presidency across multiple, huge platforms. He was already a household name, no one had to ask who he was. That’s what it took.

            Republicans know it too, it’s why they’ve still been backing him and not going on the direct offensive - yet.

      • From what I can gather, the Former Presidents Act mandates lifetime protection for all former presidents unless they were removed from office under Article II. So the only current way for Trump to lose Secret Service protection would be for him to decline it.

      •  gogozero   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        someone with presidential-level knowledge and no protection would be a prime target for abduction. trump would dump everything he knew at the first mention of torture, or maybe if he was just slipped a $20.

      •  notun   ( ) 
        2 years ago

        The Secret Service being tasked with protection of president et al. is written into law, so it literally is their current right. The original purpose doesn’t really matter.

        But obviously it should be stripped away for treason etc.

    •  Royalish   ( ) 
      142 years ago

      It truly baffles me how so many people can still support him when the evidence is overwhelming. Love is blind I guess (pretty sure anybody protesting for him would give him a BJ is trump asked 🤷).

      • Remember that they only get their information from pro-Trump sources. Imagine if you didn’t listen to anything but FOX News, OANN, Newsmax, and the like. All the “news sources” you listened to told you that this was a witch hunt and that anyone who disagreed was a traitor to this country.

        You’d likely wind up shouting about Trump’s innocence and how this was all political retribution.

        They’re wrong when they say this, of course, but the root cause is a refusal to listen to anyone who tells them a contrary position.

    • My proposal has been house arrest at Mar-A-Lago with a twist:

      First of all, no visitors. That includes no members allowed to come stay at Mar-A-Lago. Not even Trump’s family. Mar-A-Lago can refund any membership fees because Trump will be the only resident allowed besides Secret Service and security guards hired by the feds.

      Secondly, Mar-A-Lago is taken over by the federal government. Trump could owe fines as well as prison time and this could help pay the US back. (This also means he can’t charge the Secret Service to stay in his club.)

      Third, Trump’s movements are highly restricted. He’s confined to a small guest bedroom (not his normal one) for most of the day. He’s allowed out for meals and 1 hour of “exercise” a day. Obviously, smartphones/computers/social media are NOT allowed at all.

      Finally, Mar-A-Lago gets a downgrade. Trump doesn’t get a cushy bed, but whatever a standard prison bed would be. He doesn’t get his normal meals, but whatever slop the prison food service cooks for him. I wouldn’t expect them to make his stay imprisoned at Mar-A-Lago into 100% the same as a federal prison, but they could get it as close as possible. (Keep any luxury for the guards and Secret Service. They’ll need to be dealing with Trump daily. They deserve some comfort.)

    • Trump keeps claiming that he’s being treated differently and he’s right, but not in the way he means it. He’s not being persecuted. He’s being treated with exceptionally soft kid gloves.

      He was given multiple chances to return the stuff he took. He was asked politely before a subpoena was issued. He was given time between the subpoena and the raid to turn everything over. After the raid, he wasn’t immediately arrested and tossed behind bars. They even allowed him to come in and skip some procedures like being handcuffed and getting his mugshot taken.

      He’s been given way more considerations than anyone else who committed even remotely the number of infractions that he committed would get.

      If Trump wants to not get treated differently, I’m all for it. Arrest him and toss him in jail while he waits for his trial. As a bonus, suddenly his usual tactic of delay, delay, delay won’t be as attractive.

    • You’re not the only one who thinks that

      Obviously, it’s different because of who the defendant is. But I see it in kind of an opposite way: If Trump were anyone other than a former president, he would not have been given the luxury of a summons to appear in court. There would be a team of armed FBI agents outside his door at 6:30 in the morning, he would have been arrested and the government would be immediately moving to detain. So the idea that he’s being treated differently is true – but not from the way his supporters seem to be arguing.

  •  merc   ( ) 
    822 years ago

    The Average US President has been indicted 1.54 times. (Trump is the only US president to ever be indicted.)

    Shamelessly stolen from someone on Mastodon (unfortunately I can’t find the toot).

  • It’s incredible the level of downright braindead stupid you’d have to be to protest this. Like wtf is going on in these morons minds?

    “Oh no an extremely powerful rich person is being arrested! What a travesty! Rich people are supposed to be above the law only us plebs should have to face consequences for our actions!! Let’s riot people!!!”

      •  itty53   ( ) 
        422 years ago

        What we outside fail to realize is these people live in a wholly different reality.

        I haven’t watched television with any ads in years. So when I go to a hotel and I’m lounging watching cable and seeing commercials it is jarring just what a different world it is from what I remember before. And for people who never left it, it isn’t jarring at all. It’s their normal.

        Now imagine you only watched Fox or OANN. It’s your very reality that’s twisted all askew. It’s hard to hold that against many of the MAGA crowd and speaks to just how influential misinformation campaigns can be.

        • That’s the reality with my parents. They only watch FOX News. My father had claimed to have tried watching CNN (years ago before they started veering rightwards). He said he couldn’t watch their news because “they got it wrong.”

          Why did my father think CNN got the stories wrong? Because FOX News reported A and therefore my father assumed A was true. When CNN reported B, then my father didn’t question if FOX was wrong. Instead, he just assumed that FOX was right and CNN was wrong. Since CNN was wrong about the news, my father didn’t see any reason to watch them and so he stayed with FOX. People get locked in and that becomes their only source of truth.

          I try to get my news from a variety of sources. This way, no one news source could mislead me. If one source reports A, but 5 others report B, then chances are the truth is closer to B. (All other things being equal like source reliability.) Of course, my father claims that I’m brainwashed by listening to many different sources instead of just FOX News. Likely because that is what FOX told him is happening with me.

        • What we outside fail to realize is these people live in a wholly different reality.


          I passed a church today with a sign saying, “The Bible is the absolute truth!” I realized that anyone who truly believes that bullshit - enough to make it a statement outside their church - is completely divorced from sanity.

          These people do not perceive reality. At all. They are locked in a deranged fantasy world in their heads. They are severely impaired and their news sources and pastors work full time to keep them mentally ill and absolutely incapable of understanding reality.

        • So when I go to a hotel and I’m lounging watching cable

          Get yourself a Roku stick. Set it up at home and log into your streaming apps. Now any time you’re in a hotel you can just plug it into your hotel tv and bam, bye bye shitty hotel tv.

          •  itty53   ( ) 
            2 years ago

            If I have to sit in the room for long enough I’m not watching TV anyway, I’m on my laptop or steam deck. Otherwise if I’m in a hotel room I’m somewhere I’d rather be out and about doing things anyway. Besides, as much as society’s reality is skewed by the inundation of commercials, so too is mine by not experiencing it like everyone else. So I try to, from time to time. See what the other side is seeing.

          • Except when the hotel blocks access to the HDMI. I stay at one hotel that built a whole box around the TV to prevent people from accessing the back and the cords. I ended up watching regular cable with commercials and saw so many right wing gun toting ads that wanted to drill a hole in my head. Fuck cable.

      • Sure, and that’s what’s so dangerous about Trump and the Republican party’s rhetoric surrounding the election. But you also have a patriotic duty to start with some actual solid evidence of the election being stolen. You don’t get absolved for playing out a “save the country” fantasy if it’s clearly based on, well, a fantasy.

      • All this was in motion long before the 2020 election. If you want to trace it back to an election it would be Nixon, he’s the entire reason Fox news and the far right movement exist at all, But there’s a reason they were already stooping to the level of breaking into the Watergate hotel in the first place. The whole alt-right movement has been a slow moving coup starting with Prescott Bush (Yes, that Bush) who invested heavily in the republican party and, coincidentally, also directly helped Hitler come into power in Germany.

  •  kn33   ( ) 
    632 years ago

    The judge said that former President Trump could have no contact with any witnesses in the case

    ABC commenting on this being a big deal because that’s basically his whole campaign team lol

    • If what’s already transpired is any measure, there’s literally no way Trump can prevent himself from breaking the very, very few rules they have given him to follow in this case. It’s part of why he is struggling to find new legal counsel, because very few want to represent someone who does so many self-incriminating things on the daily.

      • he wanted to give some classified information, but instead of just handing them a document and saying “here’s that thing you asked for” they literally have him on tape saying ‘this is classified, I know it is, I could have declassified it but I didn’t, now I can’t, it’s totally classified and I’m not supposed to have it and I’m definitely not supposed to show it to you so don’t look too close’. Dude is terminally desperate to feel cool and important and it’s quite literally gonna land him in federal prison.

    • I’m torn on the mugshot. On the one hand, I agree with your general point. On the other hand, he’ll just use a mugshot to bilk money out of his marks. But on the gripping hand, last time they just photoshopped a mugshot, so does it really matter if he has a real one?

      •  orclev   ( ) 
        82 years ago

        Automatic upvote for the Niven reference. I don’t think anything would stop Trump from grifting money from his supporters. It’s like the kobayashi maru, the only options are the least bad ones.

        In this case I think they’ve opted to split the difference and take a mugshot proving he’s still being treated like a criminal (although it would have been better to have forced him to wear handcuffs), but not release it to deny him as much free fundraising fodder as they can.

        Ultimately as you point out it won’t really matter, they’ll just photoshop something, but at least this way someone will need to put in the effort to make the image and we’ll all get some entertainment about how horrendous of a job they’ll inevitably do.