• Chris Christie was one of the first Republicans to back Trump in 2016, once he started pulling ahead of the pack in the primaries. That being said, he’s being harder on Trump than most of the other candidates in the current field. It boggles my mind that Pence is still being tepid in his criticism, but he’s the poster child for “no backbone”, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

  • I somehow don’t think pandering to #resist libs is how you win the Republican primary.

    Unless, of course, you don’t plan to win and this is just a way to grift the Occupy Democrats crowd. But who would do such a thing?

    Also, come on, read another book, already.

  • The GOP loooooves to deflect, distract, and use straw-man arguments to avoid accountability. These people have no standards and use their agenda to continue to grift gullible, uneducated Americans.

    You have one or two republicans who criticize Trump’s actions but then they backtrack to continue licking boots. Like everyone has said: “no backbone” indeed.