I have an unusual name so when I meet new people my brain focuses on their reaction to my name and how they pronounce it, so I completely zone out when they tell me their name. I might remember it for a short time but almost always I forgot their name if I don’t interact with them frequently.

  • Honestly I dont for the most part. It takes many meetings for me and I have to specifically make a point to say their name out loud to them. Ive also found doing a doddle of the person helps me remember the face (but i have some level of face blindness so this may not be necessary)

  • I really really focus on their name. I say it to myself several times in my head. I look them in the eyes…

    …and then they ask me what my name is because I was so hyper focused on theirs that I forgot to introduce myself. And then I forget their name due to my embarrassment…

  • I repeat their name back to them (helps a little, makes sure I heard right), tell them straight up l probably forget their name a couple times, and once they walk away I repeat their name a few times while trying to picture their face/anything interesting about them.

    It semi works, but I’ve also let them know in advance that if I forget, it’s normal for me and not that I don’t care.

    I also try to say their name often in conversation with/about them to help solidify it in my brain… But then they quit the job (most people I meet are at work, and turnover is high) and I start alllll over again with someone new. Sigh

  •  Apepi   ( @apepi@lemmy.world ) 
    11 year ago

    Repeat their name a few times. Intentionally use it in sentences.

    Also just accept the awkwardness and ask people their names later. No one cares. It’s fine.

  •  Jables   ( @Jables@beehaw.org ) 
    11 year ago

    Short term, yeah I constantly forget people’s names. If they’ve been part of my life for a bit, their name gets stored in my long term memory and I’ll remember it forever.