Man… :( (Also for transparency, I chose npr illinois bc it has the least intrusive ads and layoutof all sources I found.)

  • I read Blood Meridian last year, and have honestly never read anything like it before. It’s the most utterly beautiful, most absolutely depraved book I’ve ever read. It’s a masterpiece, and it’s horrific.

    Similarly, The Road, which just left me numb when I finished it. Glad I’d read it, but numb.

    One hell of a writer. #RIP

  • Writer of my favorite books. I am broke.

    “How surely are the dead beyond dead. Death is what the living carry with them. A state of dread, like some uncanny foretaste of a bitter memory. But the dead do not remember and nothingness is not a curse. Far from it.”

    Cormac McCarthy, Suttree

    To me, he and Camus illuminate the struggle of life. You make your own reason. The struggle is the reason.

  • He was a living legend, I’m glad to have read his novels and be at the same timeline. He’s simply an incredible author. My first McCarthy book was The Road and I remember thinking that the prose was so simple yet still so powerful.

  • I’ve only read The Road by him, I should read more.

    Huh, I didn’t know (or I forgot) that he wrote No Country for Old Men - I loved the Coen brothers film so that might have to jump the queue and get read next.

    What other books of his do people recommend?