The jump in operating system capability and quality from 1.3 to 2.0 is really substantial, so I want to switch, especially since I’m doing the ECS upgrade to my Rev6A A500 anyway so it would make sense, and 3.1 is way less compatible with early games than even 2.0 without the same leap in quality so it makes sense to stop at 2.0.

My question is, exactly how compatible is KS/WB 2.0? Is there anywhere I can find a list of games that are/aren’t compatible? Thanks!

  •  gerco   ( ) 
    32 years ago

    This is anekdotal and just describes my personal experience in the 90s:

    I can’t remember quite when I did it, but I upgraded my A500 to KS2.0 back when it was the latest release of the OS somewhere in the 90s. I never found a huge problem with compatibility for games or anything else.

    My memory expansion still needed to be disabled for one or two games (by means of a little switch on the side of the case), but for the most part everything seemed to just work.

  • I’m not sure about compatibility lists but from what I understand, it’s only a handful of early and badly behaved software that requires 1.3. It’s probably better to just install 3.1 and use Relokick as needed to run incompatible software.