• I wonder if the coming decade will be for Asia what LGBT rights advancements were in the previous decade fro the West. 2010 through 2020 was a time of huge advancement in the U.S. and some of Europe. Will 2020 through 2030 prove to be the same for Asia?

  • Kishida in February sacked an aide after he sparked outrage by saying that people would flee Japan if same-sex marriage was allowed and that he did not want to live next to lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender couples.

    That person must be seriously deluded. Japan is a very monolingual country, and Japanese isn’t widely spoken in other countries, so where exactly are people going to go? There are plenty of Japanese speakers in Taiwan, but they’re mostly over 80, and they’ve legalized same sex marriage, so I guess they can’t go there. The Phillippines is similar to Japan in terms of LGBT+ rights, but Japanese probably isn’t common enough there that someone could survive with no knowledge of the local languages.