While same-sex civil unions have been legal in the country since 2016, same-sex couples do not have the right to adopt, thanks in part to opposition from the Catholic Church. Surrogacy remains illegal in Italy and there are restrictions that prevent the adoption of “stepchildren” by one parent. Medically assisted reproduction, like in vitro fertilization (IVF), is only available to heterosexual couples.

  •  AlecSadler   ( @AlecSadler@lemmy.ml ) 
    3011 months ago

    I kind of assumed, mistakenly, that other countries that aren’t the US were a bit more progressive than the US.

    But it seems like the issues that we’re plagued by exist everywhere?

    Fuck. We gotta fight.

    •  hoyland   ( @hoyland@beehaw.org ) 
      1411 months ago

      Southern Europe generally isn’t particularly progressive. A number of southern European countries are quite conservative in the sense of “things are slow to change”.

  •  strangerloop   ( @strangerloop@beehaw.org ) 
    11 months ago

    Putting aside the bitter feelings this makes me feel, this is horrible news. From my experience in my own country, voting as a minority & leftist person feels like fighting the waves these last years… I just keep thinking about when things will take a similar turn to Italy’s in other countries too, because it seems like only a matter of time.

    • Did I miss the line in the linked article where it says that one or more of the affected families actually previously supported the extreme-right government, or is your meme simply totally misplaced?

      • You’re right, I’ll be removing the meme. It was in poor taste.

        I chose to post it because of my personal frustration with the turn politics are taking both in my southern European country and in Europe overall.

        I come from Greece and in our last elections we had a historically low voter turnout, with mostly conservative and far-right voters showing up. Which lead to a very fascist parliament. And then everyone was surprised with the results, which made me feel “well what were we all expecting when we didn’t even show up to vote?”.

        But I don’t really know how the elections went in Italy, so my comment was indeed misplaced.

  • The same people who’ve been complaining for four decades about things like erosion of due process and weak and unpredictable property rights go ahead and change birth certificates retroactively, creating chaos, confusion, and bureaucracy.

    How these lunatics think they’re serving the interests and needs of the kids is beyond me. It’s so mean-spirited and eigenharming.