Spez, and Reddit as a whole is basically counting on most subreddits opening back up tomorrow after the 48-hour period.

Really hope that mods can hold out for longer, make them really panic.

  • This just in from forbes.com:

    “Investors are fed up. Fidelity, which led Reddit’s $700 million funding round in 2021 with a $10 billion valuation, has cut its Reddit company valuation by 41% since it invested. This could scupper Reddit’s plans to eventually go public with a reported valuation of $15 billion.”


    Who actually loses a game of chicken of this magnitude?!? u/spez, you listening?!?

  • The blackout may pass but the third-party developers and power users of the community have already been shown they’re not valued. Not sure there’s much Reddit can do to make those who left come back. Even if they give developers more time and a price reduction what’s to say they won’t go back on their word.

    "There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.” -George W. Bush

  • I am at the point where I think, Reddit may well bounce back in general, for there are lots of people whose only experience of the web is using huge corpo-sites, but I still won’t be there except for the cases where I have to use it for some crazy reason. The Fediverse feels a lot more hopeful and open, like the web was in the early days, and I much prefer that to the monolithic corporate site system. So wherever possible, I will pass on that.

    The Fediverse is far from flawless, but maybe it’ll fix its issues over time. Let’s find out.

  • If the blackout does not continue I think spez will think he’s won. But I think the real pain will be when third party apps shut down. There will be a loss of users, but that won’t hurt too much. If moderators don’t want to use the official app or desktop site to moderate or decide to leave entirely then reddit could get out of hand. Just look at Twitter - with a relaxing of moderation there has been more trolls, spam, and hate. That type of change may lead to losing the more mainstream, casual user.

    • The issue has always been that there was no ready made alternative to migrate to in the past. But it’s happening now. places like this one are ramping up. Every time shit like this happens, it’ll drain a few more users away. Eventually reddit will be mainly bots, if they do not change course and alternatives become viable and well populated.

      • Eventually reddit will be mainly bots

        I feel like it is already there. Once, you only had to block user’s like GallowBoob; but now days it’s an endless supply of repost bots. I’ve had to block so many subs from r/all even to look at that. Then you have all the news skewing by mods and other bs stuff going on. I really stick to my home page a lot these days. I remember when r/all would constantly change and now it stagnates with the same 10 posts that bots put on 50 different pages that all came to be when they opened up sub creation to anyone. Just a giant bot circle jerk.

    • Reddit relies on moderators to mod the subs free of charge. Mods use API powered bots to help make life easier.

      If mods are dumb enough to open up after two days and continue moderating subs, they’re going to learn real hard on July 1st how much more difficult it is to manage a sub without all those automod bots.

      We’ll see what happens next month when the brown stuff hits the fan.

    • yeah, if they can keep the protest up they will win. They may already have. As soon as users take the trouble to create new accounts on things like Kbin, the less likely they’ll retreat back to reddit. Honestly for being in its infancy I think this has been a good platform.

    • Exactly. The 48 hour black out won’t change a thing. The only way anything could change is if the black out is indefinite. Personally, I feel like wiping my account and moving on is the best course of action.

      • I’m planning to begin to wipe my old account once the blackout ends, starting phase two of our protest, the dismantling of Reddit. They should not be allowed to profit from our content in perpetuity. I will delete what I’ve contributed.

    • I dunno about you, but I rather like it here - it’s a bit more old school on KBin and reminds me of my youth. Maybe this will be the renaissance of the BBS and forum, but now federated across the internet in beautiful FOSS and distributed networks.

      • I’m really enjoying Kbin as well. Ironically the people left on reddit are saying they’re enjoying reddit more too with the blackout, as they’re seeing smaller subreddits they used to not see, and the large subs filled with spam and reposts are mostly dark.

        I think the lesson here is that reddit got too big for quality, which is ultimately what the admins want. Quantity over quality, more users to sell advertising too, and more users to sell their analytics.

        • I like the smaller conversation lately. I realized I became more of a lurker the last few years because the conversation either got too unwieldy. If I try to make a comment, it just got lost in the sea. Or the threads were filled with same old tired jokes or messaging. I like the older style forum because I felt anyone can participate in a discussion.

  • I guess this is the new Reddit! Time to kick our feet up.

    I expected as much. 2 days is a pitiful protest length. I will not be using Reddit any longer whilst keeping an eye on updates from here and other news sites. I’m hoping this memo encourages all subreddits to protest idnefinitely until this assclown of a CEO is willing to negotiate lower API prices. And if he’s not, onto greener pastures. And watching /r/wallstreetbets figure out a way to destroy their IPO when it eventually launches.

      • RIF for me on Android. Reddit killed the mobile site (you can’t open any NSFW posts there at all nowadays and it constantly buggers you to switch to the app). The official Reddit app is dogshit and you get all the ads on top.

        So at least on mobile there’s zero chance I’ll keep using Reddit without RIF.

        On the desktop I only use old.reddit.com and even that with RES. But I nuked my 11 year old account (overwrote all my comments and posts) and I don’t really want to go back. The only subs I’m missing on here are things like /r/nvidia and /r/amd for tech news so far.

  • “I am sorry to say this, but please be mindful of wearing Reddit gear in public,” CEO Steve Huffman says in an internal memo. “Some folks are really upset, and we don’t want you to be the object of their frustrations.”

    “This is a minor annoyance nbd but also people want to stab you”

    • They probably weren’t sure at the start of how much support they’d get so they decided to have a set date just so people could unite easier and would be more likely to take action. I’m sure they’d have suggested a longer period if they knew they’d get this much support. They probably also hoped Spez would’ve backed off by now.