Moments after Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to federal charges that he hoarded classified documents and then conspired to obstruct an investigation about it, the Republicans in Congress had his back. Trump’s mounting legal jeopardy has quickly become a political rallying cry as they rush to stand by the indicted former president. Many Republicans say they haven’t fully read the 49-page indictment against Trump. But they are adopting his grievances against the federal justice system as their own. It’s an example of how Trump has transformed the Republican Party that was once the party of “law and order,” but is now attacking the very justice system at the foundation of U.S. democracy.

  • Putting my political leanings aside, I’m honestly fascinated by the transformation of the Republican party over the past decade. The ‘law and order’ party is now rallying around a former president accused of violating the Espionage Act, which is no small crime. Not only are they supporting him, but they’re actively fundraising off the indictment.

    What’s even more intriguing is the claim by some Republicans that this indictment is evidence of a ‘two-tier’ justice system lol. I would love to see any of his supporters actually read the indictment. It’s interesting to see how Trump continues to shape the party, even out of office. The 2024 elections are going to be a very revealing moment for the GOP. Regardless of your political views, I think we can all agree that it’s going to be a wild ride.

    • The Republican party has not been a “law and order” party even before the past decade. Watergate was illegal. Iran-Contra was illegal. The torture at Abu Ghraib was illegal. The outing of Plame was illegal.

      • when they talk about “Law and Order” what they really mean is criminalizing minorities so that the prison-labor industry has a steady stream of essentially slave labor to compete with the low cost of labor… elsewhere…

        which is why weed and crack all carry harsh sentences (and directly comparing crack to powder cocaine… much harsher sentences… crack was used by african americans.) Bush Senior’s “Baggy of Crack” moment was fine example of this. in order to get the dealer in Lafayette Park “just across the street form the whitehouse!” …the FBI had to entrap a kid to come down and do the delivery. Because no other dealer was willing to go.

        The only real change it would seem is that Republicans no longer need to set up the entrapment first. These days they’d have just borrowed some of Jared’s crack and waved it around and making up stories about where it came from.

  • Trump took classified documents and when asked to return them, refused, hid, and obstruction.

    Biden and Pence asked the government to come and get classified documents and told the government to please search and make sure there weren’t any more.

    This is why Trump is in the terrible position he is in. He thinks laws don’t apply to him. And that the classified documents are HIS. They are not.

    • But the ‘billionaire’ real estate mogul needs you to pay for his defense so he can keep it that way. Remember in 2016 when they said he was going to self-fund his campaign and he was so rich he would be effectively incorruptible because he had no need of anyone else’s money?

  • If there ever was to begin with, there is no sense or decency left in the Republican party.

    They are actively trying to upend democracy and rule of law in order to install as dictator a senile blithering idiot who literally went bankrupt hawking vodka and steak. That’s leaving out the part where the shit he bragged about on television would get any Democrat crucified by his own party if it emerged as an unproved allegation.

    What the fuck is wrong with this country?

  • Imagine dying on this hill, quite literally in cases like Ashli Babbit’s, not because you actually support anything this tire fire of a human being stands for, but because your supporting him makes other people upset, and that makes you feel good?