looks ucrany can wrap it up

  • 1st of all, Presstv.ir is Iranian state tv, so LOL, LMAO even.
    2nd of all, no

    The long-awaited Ukrainian counter-offensive is now finally here - though it does not seem to be very successful
    However, instead of penetrating past the Russian defenses, Ukraine has been struggling.
    Nearly a week into the counter-offensive, only minuscule gains have been made
    Not only is it a military defeat for Ukraine, but it is a marketing catastrophe for NATO.

    Ever since he counteroffensive began Putin and his ilk have been squealing like rabid little rats, trying their best to demoralize Ukraine and Ukraine’s partners.
    That’d be Uncle Vova’s wettest dream, that’s what he hopes for right now, to hold on until Ukraine’s partners start to give up on their support.
    Ain’t gonna happen, you slimy little rats.

      • Sorry, I don’t tend to value the “opinions” of employees of a Islamist theocracy that beats, rapes and kills people because they show too much keratin and that displeases their mass-murdering pedo-god.
        But, by all means, if women beaters are your preferred crowd, you’re free to roleplay as their western keyboard warrior.

        That being said, feel free next time to also address the content of my comment, not just do some cheap ad hominem attacks.
        I look forward to watching more of your ilk squirm and squeal as Ukrainians liberate more and more land from imperialist, genocidal Russian invaders.


  •  SomeDude   ( @ProcurementCat@feddit.de ) 
    1 year ago

    Betteridge’s law of headlines says: “No”.

    This entire article is just fifth column “journalism”: Defeatism, Ukraine can’t win, this war is too expensive for the west, we should invest the money in our societies instead.

    It even paints the ongoing ukrainian counter offensive as a failure, even though Ukraine has captured twice the area in 5 days than the Russians did in the last 8 months.

    Judging an offensive by it’s first days, still deep into a news blackout, only on russian released videos and pictures is just rubbish.

    Edit: And coming back to the headline: The US has just announced to replace the destroyed Bradley and Stryker vehicles, the M1 Abrams tanks will arrive in the coming months, F-16 pilots training for Ukrainians has begun, and there’s a two-and-a-half-year timeline for the delivery of 6 Patriot systems.

    So no, Biden won’t abandon Ukraine.

    •  SomeDude   ( @ProcurementCat@feddit.de ) 
      1 year ago

      Just to rant a bit more:

      Even Russian President Vladimir Putin is now commenting on the destruction of NATO’s finest weaponry, asserting that since the beginning of the counteroffensive Ukraine has lost over 300 armored vehicles - including over 150 tanks.

      Images circulating the web verify that among these are NATO supplied tanks and armor.

      This article implies that the around ten visually confirmed Ukrainian tank losses (see Oryx on Twitter) “verify” Putin’s claim of 150 lost Ukrainian tanks. That’s a really fringe logic.

      Despite this support, Russia seems to be meeting most of its special military operation’s objectives - even holding a referendum on newly gained territories with positive results for Moscow.

      Completely neglecting the failure to take Kyiv and eventusl retreat, the routing of the russian army on Kharkiv, the russian retreat from Kherson. Those sham-referenda (which do not adhere to any proper election standards whatsoever) were conducted abour territory which russia does not even fully control.

      The destruction of the pipeline hurt many of the United States European allies - particularly Germany - which is now headed into a recession.

      The North Stream 1+2 pipelines were put of service before their destruction. The opening of NS2 was halted when the russian invasion happened, and NS1 was not delivering any gas because russia cut the supply on their own initiative. This article is insinuating that the US destroyed those pipelines and damaged its partners by this, but even if it had been the US, the damage was already done - by Russia.

      Another scenario would be if Ukraine does in fact lose - and at this point, it is looking likely - that Washington can attribute their loss to Kiev’s inability to take their advice.

      That’s just laughable at this point.

      •  PEnorman   ( @PEnorman@beehaw.org ) 
        1 year ago

        Another scenario would be if Ukraine does in fact lose - and at this point, it is looking likely - that Washington can attribute their loss to Kiev’s inability to take their advice.

        Very interesting assessment. They trained 9 new brigades for this counteroffensive and are committing a minimal force at the moment. I don’t understand the demographic they’re trying to capture with this article, it just seems a bit silly. If there’s no visible progress by September and with a much greater dedicated force than now then sure I think we should worry; the war is far from over and there is a dangerous road ahead for Ukraine.

  • The article tries to link the defence budget of the US to stuff like the gutting of BBB and decreasing access to food stamps. But in reality they’re not linked. They’re using the pre-defined arms budget of the state and dedicating it to funding the Ukrainian Armed Forces. There is no F-16 being delivered that could have been used to feed a person in the US or vice versa. First time I’ve heard of “Belograd” as well, maybe the author meant Belgorod hehe.