im looking to getting a new gun because im trying to do the vox solaris and i cant protect the drone idk if im too weak but im using the braton rank 23 rn

  • Weapons that you have not leveled to rank 30 aren’t “done” yet, so don’t throw it out. You get experience from finishing things (getting them to 30). Also don’t forget to mod your weapons and warframes if you are new.

  •  TZer0   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    You’re probably a bit too weak.

    You could make a braton rank 23 work, but you’d need good mods (which you probably don’t have yet).

    My personal recommendation is maybe do other content, hit MR4 and get yourself a Hek.

    • You’ll get there, mate.

      You need to Rank your stuff to Max to increase your own Rank. With your own Rank higher you unlock a bunch of other weapons. So I’d recommend a bit of “grinding basic weapons” to increase your arsenal. Different weapons for different situations and such.

      Also Mods make the difference. If you can get some Corrosive damage on those buggers it should help a bunch.

  • Build yourself a kitgun, they rule at low MR when all the good guns are locked.

    Vermisplicer primary can punch through loads of content as one of the very few AoE weapons available at low MR, but requires a few trips to Deimos for the parts.

    Catchmoon secondary has loads of punchthrough for nailing targets in a line.

    Rattleguts Primary is a direct replacement for your braton.