I proudly announce that today is Bloomsday!

Have you ever tried to read Ulysses, or why do you shy away from it? Any hardcore James Joyce enjoyer in this community?

I’ll share my story with Ulysses: I have to shamefully admit I never read the original, but only the German translation, which is of course not the Irish experience that Ulysses should be. The next cardinal sin I must confess is that I did not quite read Ulysses but listened to the audiobook. The narrators were great and carried me through without getting bored. I want to read some parts in the original language, and can’t quite decide which ones. I have an e-book version from gutenberg, but the quotation marks are missing, which makes me wish that standard ebooks would make an edition.

What are your favorite chapters? I quite like the part with the news articles. It’s funny, different, and the narrators of my audiobook did an especially good job with that chapter.

  • I love Bloomsday! But I must admit I still haven’t finished Ulysses. I’ve heard its best read with a companion book. Once I finish Dubliners I might try tackling it again.

    What I love about Joyce in general is the geographical accuracy of his portrayal of Dublin. It’s mad that it has hardly changed over the hundred years since Ulysses and Dubliners were written.

    A good memory I have from last year’s Bloomsday was walking past a crowd of people in period dress holding pints of plain and talking loudly over a guy reading out a chapter of Ulysses on a podium outside Davy Byrne’s. It’s not just about the literature, Dublin is all about the atmosphere. It’s a pity the weather isn’t great for it this year.

    the quotation marks are missing

    I’m pretty sure that’s a stylistic choice by the author himself. All the dialogue is mixed in with the stream of consciousness. A delicious mess.