from the about:

Inspired by this work of art- I created the birdsong-centric graphic below:

I was amazed at the response! Many people pointed me to the Bouba/kiki effect- which shows a “non-arbitrary mapping between speech sounds and the visual shape of objects” This mini project is an attempt to determine by online survey if there are any agreed-upon colors or shapes for bird vocalizations!

  •  bird   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    As a birdwatcher, and someone who has recorded bird song extensively, I’ve spent a lot of time creating spectrograms, which are visualizations of bird songs based on frequency over time. I want to take this survey but feel my answers would be very biased because it can often understand what a bird song will “look” like based on this study.

    I am curious if the author of this survey is familiar with spectrograms and their thought on it. I plan to share this in an email with them! I’d love to share this with my local Audubon chapter as I think the membership would find it very interesting and fun.