Reposting this since my last one never got any replies and I’m still on it lol

Hey all, as the title says I’m interested in hosting an instance in the cloud, just as a little bit of a project to improve my skills. Was wondering if there are any considerations I should keep in mind while doing this?

Here’s what I architected so far:

I’m going to be using a t3.small as the main webserver and a db.t3.micro RDS for PostgreSQL for the DB. The t3.small is going be running on Ubuntu 20.04 with a 20GB gp3 EBS volume. The DB is 30GB single AZ to save some money. Everything’s going to be in a custom VPC, the web server in a public subnet and DB in a private subnet, with an SG to allow the two to talk

Seems like that’s about all I’m going to need for now to get started, is there anything I’m missing here?