I’m curious what everyone uses as background noise while crocheting. I’ve found the only thing I like watching while crocheting is cartoons for some reason, like Bob’s Burgers. I know some people watch movies, or listen to audio books but would love to hear some suggestions and get to know everyone.

  • If it’s something simple, like doing 20+ rows of only sc, I’ll put on some D&D videos I haven’t seen before. But it has to be something I can’t possibly mess up. If I need to pay attention, sometimes it can’t even be music. Lately, I’m working on a raven shawl and I’ve gotten the repetitive shape of the feathers down enough that I binged the entirety of The Good Place.

  • My husband is one of those people who hates the quiet, and will always have something on TV even if he’s not actually watching it. So generally my background noise becomes a series of random retro gaming YouTube videos whether I like it or not!

    When he’s out, I make the most of it by just sitting in blissful silence 😄

  • I’m new to the hobby, so I’m still trying various things out. Putting on some music is the thing I go back to most often, because I can ignore it and focus on counting stitches when necessary. But right now I’m making a doily and it’s pretty repetitive w/ no counting required, so I’ve been binging on the Witcher while making it (and so I have a good excuse to look away when things get too gory).

  • If it’s a pattern with lots of repeats and easy to follow, I’ll put on some urbex videos or a movie I’ve seen lots of times. This way, I still have background noise and extra visual stimuli while being able to focus on my project. Otherwise, I listen to what video game or movie/youtube my husband is playing