I don’t know if this is a well known theory or not, but the basis is that it’s impossible for someone to be unbiased, even if they say they aren’t. People are subconsciously biased to a degree, so it’s impossible to be truly unbiased.

I doubt this has any substance, but I thought it was an interesting thought experiment.

  • Personally I think the question is more are you open to letting the facts drive your conclusions OR are you trying to support the conclusion you want and then arranging the facts or the non-fact arguments to support it. The first is being open and authentic, the second is being manipulative. I would say that being open an authentic is about as unbiased as you can be.

    I only say the above because this kind of thing is often discussed around say climate change and other things that have big economic powers trying to drive the narrative. Often news tries to be balanced by putting on 1 guy that says climate change is a problem on with 1 guy that say it is not. Totally not balanced because the 90% or higher of the people that actually know something is that it is a problem. So how do you deal with “bias” in this case? I do not know? We have not done a very good job of it.