I wonder how long everyone here has been using Apple equipment. I’m an old greybeard so we’re taking 68k era for me. Well, Apple II really!! Then PowerPC then Intel and some newton and og iPod and of course iOS.

What’re everyone‘s Apple history? I’d be interested to hear!


  • I first started using Apple products in elementary school. My school had a lab with lots of iMac G3 in it. Always loved the translucent colorful nature of them. Then in another class the teacher had computers lined up around the room and one was connected to an AudioVision 14 Display. I don’t remember the computer it was connected to, but I loved that monitor back then because of the speakers lol.

    Growing up, my parents were not interested in buying any Apple products because of price. They stuck with the cheapest Compaq or Gateway they could find at Best Buy. I wasn’t able to afford my own Mac until 2013. Bought the late 2013 iMac for school to edit videos, and I’ve exclusively used Macs personally since (only use Windows at work). Finally sold that iMac in 2021 and got an M1 Mac Mini.

  • Our household computer was a IIe, then an SE, and when I trundled off to college, the first Mac I half-bought, sort of on my own, was an SE/30. (Parents paid for half, hehe.)

    Then in either 1992 or '93, I graduated to a IIvx (color! Macintosh! OMG!)… and then, in '96, I moved to the gloriousness that was the Powerbook 1400 (PowerPC! GOES EVERYWHERE!), and it was all over for me and desktop Macs. I’ve been a Powerbook & MacBook fanatic ever since. The 1400 was followed by a Pismo Powerbook G3 in either '99 or 2000, then an iBook G4 (GARAGEBAND, omg omg) in 2003 or '04.

    Then a succession of 13" MacBook Pros, culminating in… last year’s M2 MacBook Air, which is, hands down, my favorite Mac ever, ever, ever, in the history of the universe. Runs literally everything I can throw at it, including the occasional Linux or Windows apps I need for client stuff (UTM ftw, hehe), essentially weightless in a backpack… if it ever throttles, I literally never notice.

    I can’t possibly love this little guy more. It feels just… utterly perfect, in ways very little else has, since that SE/30, years, and years ago.