I keep thinking this would have been a much better sell to devs and to users. I have always used Sync, and Boost. I tried the official app a few times, but really only used it for the chat feature. I didn’t want to pay for it, but (I am embarrassed to admit it) I would pay premium to keep my app. I think this would have worked out better for Reddit than the garbage they are pulling right now.

Would that have been a more reasonable solution in your opinion as well?

  • Hah, no. Are you asking if I want to pay for access to a platform that is already dependant on its users to create or aggregate content, while they are already making ad money off my eyeballs? Heck, no, never. If that site cannot make enough money on ads alone, while being one /were of the most visited non-porn sites on the internet, then maybe they should reconsider their other expenses. E.x. Is it really necessary to have a downtown office in an expensive us city, or pay out high CEO wages. I can only really conclude that they are being stupid about this. If they want me back, they are going to have to beg.

    • But that is exactly the problem with third party apps …they don’t show ads so they make no add revenue on people using apps like Sync and Apollo or RIF… The official app does. I understand why they are trying to push people to their app, but the route they took was worst case scenario.

      • You’re ignoring the other effects of third party apps - which is to have significantly added to the number of users they have to show ads to in the first place.

        Making their API free encouraged active development which increased user engagement. So it absolutely did increase their revenue because it helped to increase the popularity of their site in the first place.

        • This.

          Put more explicitly:

          • 3rd party apps bring more people to the site, or keep them there longer.

          • Those people create content in the forms of posts proper and comments— hell, even down to just voting— that feeds the site engagement for users through 1st party interfaces(the ones getting ads), keeping them there longer, and seeing more ads.

          • Better moderation tools help mods keep online communities healthy, and the kinds of places we are happy to spend unhealthy amounts of time on.

      • That’s not a problem with third party apps, that’s a problem with Reddit’s API that doesn’t send ads to third party apps. It’s entirely a problem of their own making, which they could have fixed years ago, but chose not to, and are now using as a fallacious excuse to shut off access.

        • Uhh … if I were developing a Reddit reader app, and if their API periodically shit ads into my user’s feed, you KNOW that feature #1 in my third-party app would be simply to ignore those blobs of crap.

          • They could easily have included it in the terms of use for the API - ‘thou shalt not strip out our ads’. The fact remains it wasn’t even possibly for third party apps to pickup the ads. Apollo/ RIF never asked for a free ride, just something fair.

        • They did years ago. AlienBlue was the unofficial “official” app. It was the most popular Reddit app on the App Store. Reddit bought it and at first it was fine, but then Reddit decided it didn’t like supporting AB and its official app, so they shut AB down and forced everyone to their official app.

    • Yeah exactly. My trust and relationship with reddit has been damaged. Even if they roll back all the API pricing changes the damage is already done.

      At the very least they would need to fire spez for me to think anything has changed or is going to get better.

  • Three weeks ago, I totally would have… Apollo was life! Now, I don’t think anything could lure me back…

    With Spez’s comments about how Reddit has all this data, and “we’re not going to just give that away for free”, I think anyone left on that platform is going to get sold so hard to anyone with two nickels to rub together, that they will effectively have zero privacy or anonymity… no thanks, Spez.

    • Had they come out and said “hey guys, we really need to actually be making money here. We know it’s not ideal, but itll allow us to further invest in the site and its community”, there really wouldn’t have been a fuss. Sure people would have been upset, but most would’ve gotten it.

      Instead they have to act like petulant children throwing a temper tantrum when they don’t get exactly what they want exactly when they want it.

  • Those are big ifs, but: if the API prices would have been reasonable and if the Reddit leadership hadn’t acted as they have, I think I might have been willing to pay for Premium. As it stands, Reddit leadership has destroyed a lot of trust, so for me that ship has sailed.

  • If you had asked me a month ago, I’d have said absolutely, as long as it keep Reddit alive.

    Now? Absofuckinglutely not. I’m a firm believer in putting my money where my mouth is. I haven’t accessed Reddit (intentionally) since the 11th. And my original plan was to see how it all played out, and still probably browse only when I’m at my desk, on my laptop. Watching it all unfold, I’m absolutely disgusted with the choices they are making, and more so with how they are treating everyone, privately, and publicly.

    I won’t be going back to Reddit. And I’m ok with that. It was honestly already a bit too……money-grubbing anyhow, and all this last week just solidified that for me.

  • Absolutely not. If I learned something from Twitter and Facebook and Reddit fiascos then it is to never ever let youself be trapped into a closed-source, centralized for-profit platform. So NO, unless they make it completely open source and decentralised so anyone can setup their own instance. But then again we already have Fediverse and Mastodon and Lemmy… so why bother with that, let’s improve what treasure we already have.

  • I had reddit premium although I used a third party app. I wanted to support the platform. I spent so much time on it and really liked the way reddit worked… being centered around communities and giving them the power to have their own rules.

    I canceled my subscription a week ago and will not go back. Needless to say, this isn’t a company I want to have any of my money.

  • I think before (say) a week or two ago, before Huffman showed us all what he really thinks of the people using his platform, I would have said yes to paying for Premium in order to use 3rd party apps. But now I don’t want to give him a single dime.

  • Not anymore, they lost me with all these interviews, spez showed his true colors, he is a piece of shit and doesn’t deserve my money. I rather support kbin or lemmy, I’ve always been a FOSS enthusiast.

  •  s_s   ( @s_s@lemmy.one ) 
    1 year ago

    If this was an option, Reddit would have done it.

    But, their goal here is to completely deplatform 3rd party apps, and my assumption is that they are doing this so that their number of active users can’t be verified and those numbers can be pumped up–by counting bots and all sorts of crap.

    This is the same tactic Twitter used when they were negotiating with Elon. More “users” is more money.

  • It would depend on the price, and also we would need to live in a hypothetical world where Reddit hasn’t done any of the stupid shit they’ve done in the past month. As of right now, I can’t imagine giving Reddit my money knowing what a PoS spez is