Hi All,
I would like to choose a new email provider, where security and privacy of the email is one of my main concerns (nothing to hide, but want to keep my data private, differently than what happens with the major providers). I have read maaany posts and websites guides but I am still confused. I am happy to pay a euro or so /month, so I had reduced my choice to Mailbox, Posteo, Mailfence. The problem is that each of them has some flows that don’t let me go ahead with them!
Mailbox: uses PGP, so not straightforward to send encrypted emails (unlike with tutanota) and to have encryption at rest. No mobile app. Alias reuse after 90 days Posteo: no spam folder. ALias reuse after 24 months Mailfence : has no encryption at rest , no mobile app. Not sure about alias reuse

Have you got any comments on the above providers and /or other suggestions (except for Tutanota and Protonmail)? thank you, appreciated!

  • Absolutely can’t recommend the entire proton suite enough. I use mail and drive daily, vpn when needed, and just waiting on calendar and contacts to be developed out a little more.

  •  infeeeee   ( @infeeeee@lemm.ee ) 
    141 year ago

    Why do you need a mobile app? It’s just email, all IMAP clients should work.

    I have a mailbox address since years, never use the webui for checking mails, only for changing some settings, I access my mails with Thunderbird on desktop, Fairemail on Android. Both apps have builtin PGP, so you shouldn’t care what the provider supports.

    The spam filter in mailbox is glorious, never got a spam there.

    •  cool9   ( @cool9@feddit.uk ) OP
      11 year ago

      Thank you. If I have not confused the different email proveiders, with mailbox encryption in transit is always active, while it needs to be activated while at rest. I do not understand why someone would not want their emails to be encrypted even at rest, by the way.

  • I’m using fastmail.com as my email provider in the USA. They’re a small company based out of Australia with global servers. They pride themselves on privacy and security. Been using them for several years now. They’re not the cheapest game in town, but they have an impressive feature set. They actually host a domain and web site for me that’s included with my mid-tier account fees. I have zero complaints with them.

    Even paid accounts with companies like Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo do not guarantee privacy. Yahoo has been known to scan email content for targeted advertising. Discovering that is what actually motivated me to use a paid service.

    • I have some tech skill and this option looked flat out daunting to me. Then when considering the cost of domain, it looked more expensive than choosing a mail service.

      Does anyone know a good guide for own mail server, including getting cheap enough domain?

      •  bork   ( @Bork@beehaw.org ) 
        1 year ago

        10€/year domains are the standard. There are some alternatives like Hostinger which have “free” ones. Managing domain settings can be a pain in the ass a lot of the time. I personally use Cloudflare to manage my DNS settings for ease of use, tho I’ve heard tgere are privacy concerns with using Cloudflare.

        As for the guide, here’s one from ChatGPT:

        Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a self-hosted and secure email service using Docker containers:

        Step 1: Set up a server

        • Choose a server provider or use your own hardware to set up a server with a reliable internet connection.
        • Install a Linux distribution of your choice (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian) on the server.

        Step 2: Install Docker and Docker Compose

        • Follow the official Docker documentation to install Docker on your server.
        • Install Docker Compose, which will simplify the management of multiple Docker containers.

        Step 3: Acquire a domain name

        • Register a domain name from a domain registrar of your choice (e.g., Namecheap, GoDaddy).
        • Configure the domain’s DNS records to point to your server’s IP address.

        Step 4: Obtain an SSL certificate

        • Use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a free SSL certificate for your domain.
        • Follow their documentation to set up Certbot and generate an SSL certificate.

        Step 5: Configure DNS records

        • Set up the necessary DNS records for your email service:
          • Create an MX record that points to your server’s domain.
          • Create an SPF record to verify your server’s authenticity.
          • Add DKIM and DMARC records for additional security (optional but recommended).

        Step 6: Set up and configure mail server containers

        • Choose a mail server software to run in Docker (e.g., Postfix, Dovecot).
        • Create a docker-compose.yml file to define the containers and their configurations.
        • Configure the mail server containers with appropriate settings, such as domain name, SSL certificate, and mail storage location.

        Step 7: Start the containers

        • Run the docker-compose up -d command to start the containers in detached mode.
        • Verify that the containers are running without any errors by checking the logs.

        Step 8: Test the email service

        • Create an email account using the chosen mail server’s administration tools.
        • Configure an email client (e.g., Thunderbird, Outlook) to connect to your server using the provided credentials.
        • Send and receive test emails to ensure the service is working correctly.

        Step 9: Implement additional security measures

        • Configure firewall rules on your server to allow only necessary ports (e.g., 25 for SMTP, 143 for IMAP).
        • Regularly update the Docker images and containers to ensure you have the latest security patches.
        • Consider enabling additional security features like fail2ban to protect against brute-force attacks.

        It’s important to note that setting up a secure email service requires a good understanding of server administration and email protocols. It’s recommended to consult official documentation and seek professional assistance if needed to ensure proper configuration and security.

  •  Vexz   ( @Vexz@feddit.de ) 
    61 year ago

    Why the need for a specific mobile app for Mailbox? I use Mailbox in combination with FariEmail app on Android. It even supports PGP. Couldn’t be happier.

    •  cool9   ( @cool9@feddit.uk ) OP
      11 year ago

      Thank you. True. I did not know that FairEmail supports, optionally, PGP! Is that an easy process to be set-up? I have never used PGP and it does not seem a smooth mechanism to me, but maybe I am wrong ?

  • I use posteo.net for 10 years now, and I am super happy with them. I don’t get spam, and I have never missed an email.

    They choose not to use a spam folder system, and I understand their reasoning, and agree with them.

    They sometimes get criticized for some other decision (something to do with certificates, if I remember correctly), but after reading their reasoning, I agree with them.

    In my experience, they have now real downside, and I recommend them to everyone I know when they come to me with email problems.

      •  cool9   ( @cool9@feddit.uk ) OP
        11 year ago

        Thank you for pointing this out. I am no way expert but trying to study and understand. I then found other negative comments regarding the lack of DMARC, while on posteo website they say: “We have a DMARC “none” policy for Posteo email domain names, since DMARC is currently not recommended for mailbox providers. Outbound DMARC policies are primarily “best-suited for transactional emails and semi-transactional emails” (dmarc-org FAQ). At the present, DMARC has implications which do not meet customers’ individual use of email.” link

        The dmarc-org FAQ is interesting too. I understand that Posteo publishes thier DMARC record, if I am not wrong

        I would appreciate your opinion, you seem competent! Thank you

  • I’m currently using skiff, I don’t know if it suits you or not.

    • Modern Interface
    • E2EE
    • Aliases available (can send messages using aliases)
    • 10gb of storage
    • Has a mobile application
  • PGP is great. If you learn how to use it on your own device, it doesn’t matter what host you use. If you post your OS, I’ll can point you to instructions on setting it up locally.

    You’re never going to get the bulk of senders (library, town council, your aging parents) to encrypt their mail to you. Can you make peace with that?

    It is important to find a host that has a funding model based on subscriptions instead of monetizing users.

    My recommendation is find a host with a good subscription model and in a county that respects user privacy. I like KolabNow in Switzerland.

    •  cool9   ( @cool9@feddit.uk ) OP
      1 year ago

      Thank you. I had come across KolabNow, I will look into it again. I have never used PGP and it does not seem a smooth mechanism to me, as I am used to encrypt emails with password. Maybe I am wrong … PS: I am onWindows