Republican hopeful pledges to ensure the FBI and Department of Justice are full of loyalists if he wins the White House in 2024

          • when people speak of three letter agencies usually what’s meant is fbi, cia, nsa, etc. though I’d be happy to ditch the cdc and reform the fda. doj can probably go I think. irs as well. fcc is fine but needs reforms. epa is chill.

              • fair enough. my view is that there’s a lot of government bloat and a lot of this stuff largely isn’t needed. stuff like the fda ends up blocking needed healthcare. the cdc has peddled misinformation. the fcc has threatened internet neutrality many times now. these are serious issues.

                a lot of people want government to be a nanny state but I think it’s improper. rather, governments should be focused on services to the people, not being a tyrant or “big brother”.

                I wouldn’t at all mind massive defunding to most government agencies; though notably military spending is out of control. there’s no reason we should be sending billions to ukraine, or sending troops to the middle east. simply absurd.

                • It could be said that those agencies did do those things, but those things wouldn’t even have been a thing if it hadn’t been for them.

                  Without the FDA, rats would still probably be shitting all over our meat and dairy products, and thalidomide would still be everwhere. If it weren’t for the CDC, we probably wouldn’t have gotten rid of Small Pox or Pollio (edit: until anti-vaxers), and many millions more would have died of Covid than already did. The FCC… I’ll get back to you on that.

                  As for military bloat, for sure. I’m confident most of it is just to pad defense contractors pockets, and to grease political palms. I think we should protect Ukraine, since they were invaded by a power long hostile to the US, and to the world’s stability as a whole. As for the Middle East, I agree with you there. The US has caused so much destruction, murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians, upturning entire countries, and for what? Oil and racism. Even the excuse of 9/11 is a sham since we didn’t even attack the people that actually did it, and instead allied with them. Because, once again, oil.

    • “Law and order” is a dogwhistle that means, “Maintaining existing hierarchies using the power of the state”. Sundown towns are law and order.

      Rule of law is when the laws apply equally to everyone. The red team despises this: “There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

  • Yes, and the previous asshole promised they were going to build a wall and that Mexico was going to pay for it… “…but I promised them, Enrique. I promised them”.
    The previous asshole also said he was going to “LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP…!”

    What else is new in Red Meat Labs today? Directed at idiots who have the memory retention of a fruit fly?