So the recent bad news about Overwatch 2’s PvE cancellation was really disappointing, but honestly it kinda just reminded me that I hadn’t played OW2 in a long while, so I decided to jump in and just play some games.

Queue times for Ranked Any Role is 8-15 mins. Even Quick Play Any Role is giving me queue times of 5+ mins.

I’m in Japan but that also usually means I can get games in Australia and Korea. At launch I was getting games in seconds. Now it just kinda feels dead.

They just launched the new season too, which begs the question if I was silly enough to buy the Battlepass… how could I even go about completing it.

I understand the Blizzard hate here, but I would also be quite sad to see the game just disappear and not have further development to improve it. Is this just a my region problem, or is this common globally?

  •  yuun   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    At my exceedingly okay skill level on US East Coast servers, my queue time is <1min in quickplay. Maybe 2m on support? I’m not really playing much anymore, but not seeing bad queues regardless.

    Releasing their most mild season just in time for the entire summer is certainly a choice, though.

  • I assume the executives are trying everything in the book to squeeze every possible dollar out of a near dead community before Microsoft buys them and it’s not their problem anymore.

    Ow2 evolved into an exit scam

  • If you just started back, there might be some long queue times while it tries to figure what kind of matchmaking is appropriate for you. This is doubly true if you’re queueing with a friend. This is speaking from my experience when I started playing OW2 a few months ago.

  • This kind of post is scary. Overwatch was all the rage at release time. It seemed that it had everything, action graphics, skill requirements. I never played it but man, how did they allow their franchise to fall so low that the game is now considered dead??

  • I also have longer queue times, but I’m skewed towards the higher end of the curve so there’s already just less available players for me.

    I’d imagine it’s a combination of a few different things; -The awful news of PvE and terrible PR probably turned off a lot of people from the game -The surge of free to play players moving on -The time you were playing can have a big impact, at least it does for me. I get way shorter queue times on weekends and evenings.

    For reference, I’m in NA and get around the same times though. 5 minutes in quick play when queued for damage or support.