due to the rolling blackout… I think it’s had its effect.

I think I am done with reddit.

it’s a shame because as someone who doesn’t use Facebook it was nice to have a sense of local community I otherwise don’t get online.

I still think besides the few odd regulars who brought the vibe down every chance they could, it was a genuinely great subreddit.

anyway, I’m just curious how many of you are well and truly done with reddit? not even going back for a peak?

  • I’m done. Steve Huffman’s comments have cinched it for me. The guy is a prick and doesn’t give a shit about users in the slightest. I’m also welcoming the chance to disconnect from the mindless meme scrolling.

  • My account was 13 years old… back from the great Digg migration.

    Over the past decade I’ve been very active on a range of subs, with a more recent focus on professional technology, politics and gaming.

    Over the years I’d amassed in excess of 300k comment karma, and not an insignificant bit of post karma (mostly from back in the SCO tech war).

    I’m walking away at this point… even if spez was kicked out the door by the Board the bad faith shown is just the straw that broke the dromedary’s back.

    Since I am within the scope of GDPR and I want this to be painful on them (plus there are useful bits i refer to from my old history from time to time)… I’ve issued the GDPR data request and intend to follow through with a “right to be forgotten” GDPR data deletion request once that’s been fulfilled.

  • I’m out. 12 year account, which I’ve currently left open but with all comments deleted. It’s mostly just open to get my data take out so I can make sure all my comments and topics are removed.

    Currently on Tildes and Kbin/Lemmy. I figure this still likely be the account I stay active on due to the local focus.

    I mod a tiny sub with 12k members that I’m trying to decide what to do with. Thinking I’ll just make every member a mod and let it dissolve in to chaos.

    Can’t believe the way Reddit as a company has decided to treat it’s users. All that free content and labour given just to be spat on. Crash and burn you fucks.

  • I’ve replaced the Boost icon on my phone with Jerboa. Have been deliberately not going to the site on my PC. If I have to, I’ve been doing it incognito.

    Will not be renewing my reddit premium, and will not be using official shit-show of an app. I’m not going so far as to delete my account, but totally understand why people are doing so.

    • I still browse local subs, and will look at some stuff over there.

      But deleted my account and wiped all the comments (hopefully, I’ve heard reddit leaves some and just hides them from your profile).

      They want to monetize the content, so a good midground for now is just don’t give them content.

    • Same. It really sucks that Reddit gave the app developers such a short timeframe before the API changes go into effect because I use RIF and Boost on Android and Apollo on iOS and it feels like I can’t give the apps I love so much a proper “send off” of using them as much as possible before they shut down.

  • I’m deleting mine on the last day of the month. Until then there are many pictures of Jon Oliver to upvote. (/r/pics, /r/gifs, /r/aww, /r/art)

    …And pictures of vacuum cleaners. (/r/wellthatsucks)

    …Along with pictures of pressurized water vapor and its many scientific uses. (/r/steam)

    These communities are bringing out their best malicious compliance for the final hoorah, and the least I can do is help them find their way to the front page.

  • I’m not sure yet. Lemmy will end up being fine for lurking cool memes and seeing pictures of whales or whatever, but reddit’s massive userbase was always the draw (and the curse). I asked a question about how to install a particular air intake vent in my home and reddit is big enough that somebody was able to answer that (and correctly). Lemmy is nowhere near that big yet. Not even close. Won’t be close for a long time, if ever.

    And that’s just active users. Lemmy is missing the staggering volume of already-answered questions in the past, for every subject I could imagine. And it never will have those unless they’re painstakingly ported over, and there frankly aren’t enough users to do that even if we wanted to.

    In short, day to day I think I’m good on Lemmy but it’s a terrible shame that all those users and all those comment threads are wasted on that shitty company.

    • I agree that the depth and size of userbase is key. I don’t think its unrealistic to expect lemmy to have a better commenter to reader ratio, so we don’t necessarily need the scale of reddit… but I do agree more than is here now.

      The coming weeks will determine the long-term course of Lemmy, I think. My encouragement to people is “read on reddit if you must, but only post to lemmy/kbin/federated”. That is easier to hold to than a “no reddit” diet, and it will starve reddit in the long-term. Its more realistic to get posters to stop posting to reddit than to get readers to stop reading. YMMV.

  • Yeah, I’m absolutely done with it. I deleted my phone app, and blocked it in my browsers and I haven’t looked back.

    It’s all downhill from here for Reddit users.

    I figure we may as well start now on building communities on Lemmy and other fediverse platforms which are inherently resistant to the ‘enshittification’ paradigm.

    I’m finding Lemmy to be quite nice at the moment with the smaller userbase. I miss a few subreddits, sure, but anything worthwhile will end up with a Lemmy counterpart sooner or later.

  • Before the protest, I completely scrubbed my post and comment history.

    For the blackout itself, I closed the browser tab, uninstalled Infinity, and blackholed Reddit’s domains on my Pi-holes.

    After the first couple of days of the blackout, once the admins started seizing control of certain subs and booting out the mods, I went back and deleted my account.

    Finally, I re-blackholed Reddit’s domains, and also added them as an exclusion regex to my Whoogle searches, so they don’t even turn up in my search results.

    Fuck those cunts. Not one more bit of data from me again.

  • I’ll probably still occasionally visit reddit because there are some subs I am in that are just such mature communities, they are still a useful resource.

    That being said, I LOVE the old school web vibes of Lemmy. I love the lack of ads. I didn’t realize how much I really missed the pre MAANG internet. It wasn’t until Lemmy began to fill the void that I realized it was there, and it is so fucking exciting having some of that wild west energy back.

  • I’ve deliberately overwritten my comment history with a garbled message. Now, I’m waiting until the end of the month to delete the account. This is to boost the statistics following the upcoming API changes, so there’s no mistake what prompted that decision.