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With everything going on with Twitter and Reddit I feel like I have a new appreciation for having my own local knowledge base on Logseq.

  • Switching from Obsidian to Logseq was a challenge and I’m not 100% happy with the latter just yet, but it’s good to adapt. I have had only a couple of iCloud sync issues between my MacBook and my phone, but it was mostly user error.

    Logseq is well worth checking out. It has a lot of work left to do, but it’s on its way.

  •  Daz   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    The main thing that has prevented me from using Logseq is the general slugish or delayed feeling of the GUI. It’s not significant but enough that after using it for 2 months I swapped back to org-mode in Emacs. Even though I love org mode for general project planning, task management (gtd) and such, I have never found a comfortable workflow for actually writing non-code/non-markup in Emacs. The logseq experience of writing notes was immediately comfortable for me. Just wish it was fast.