Last Friday I got to the tower level in MGS, I attempted it several times until I quit.
So basically I only have like 3 stun grenades so the only way would be to shoot my way up but I always end up getting overwhelmed by the guards especially when my aiming is wonky at times while climbing the stairs. Does anyone have any tips for this level?
samuskay ( ) 2•2 years agoassuming you’re referring to mgs 1. You can run and shoot through a button combo (I think you hold shoot then also hold the crawl button then you can mash the shoot button while holding the crawl button to shoot and run at the same time) but otherwise I think i mainly just shot them while relying on auto aim somewhat. It can be a bit tough but I don’t think any specific strategy is needed.
I’ll have another go at it, thanks for the buttons tip!
samuskay ( ) 2•2 years agogood luck :)