I’m a huge fan of Peter F. Hamilton myself (original username NorthernLightMountain after all) and figured there ought to be more of us around here!

My absolute favorite world of his is the commonwealth universe and really want him to get back to something on that scale again.

I’ve read both the Salvation and Arkship trilogies after that and even though they’re both good I want brick sized epic space opera again!

Might just have to go back an revisit his books again.

I did see that he co-authored a book semi recently that managed to fly under my radar; Light Chaser (written with Gareth L. Powell).

Has anyone read it? No spoilers please :)

  • raises hand

    Slowly working my way through the Commonwealth universe novels at the moment - about done with Judas Unchained, have a used copy of Abyss Beyond Dreams on the way. Hadn’t seen **Light Chaser **but adding it to my overly-wrong TBR list.

      • I mean, they have their flaws and show their age a bit. But fundamentally, they’re still very enjoyable sci-fi with entertaining characters and some great imagery.

        •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) OP
          12 years ago

          Nice! I remember really enjoying the split between adamists and evenings was it? Their difference in technology and society.

          Kind of wish he hadn’t used a certain real life character in them though but I suppose it worked.

  • The deus ex machina conclusions to his stories are getting a bit worn, but he’s still superb at producing lots of seemingly unconnected threads that come together to form a wonderful picture at the end.

    • The first thing I read of his had a very unsatisfying deus ex ending that seemed to come out of the blue, but perhaps a re-read would show me there were clues I missed. Since then I’ve been fairly happy with how he wraps things up, and I’ve read almost everything he’s published.

  • Yeah I’m definitely a fan. MorningLightMountain absolutely blew my mind when I got to that part.

    The awkward sex scenes not so much…. But putting that aside they great reads.

    •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) OP
      22 years ago

      I’ve heard many say that but I can’t really remember them so I guess I wasn’t bothered by them? Though I’ve heard he’s gotten better in that area as well so maybe the ones I read ages ago was worse?

  • I read Great North Road and Pandora’s Star, and they were both pretty damn good, although not what I’ve been looking for lately in my fiction. I really need to pick up Judas Unchained at some point and actually finish the commonwealth saga, but it’s been about three and a half years now that I’ve been putting it off, so I feel like at this point I’m going to have to reread Pandora’s Star to know what’s going on lol

    •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) OP
      12 years ago

      I think you just might have to! Well maybe not have to but it’s a great book and the next book will make more sense.

      Then you have another five books after that in the same universe! :D

  • His Night’s Dawn Trilogy got me into reading science fiction, so his books will always feel nostalgic to me. However I haven’t read him in years. It was just more of the same and my taste grew elsewhere. Especially towards shorter works and his books are doorstoppers.

  • I haven’t read any Peter F. Hamilton books yet (though after reading this thread plan too!) but I have read all Gareth L. Powell books. He writes fun adventurous sci fi set in unique worlds. I love his books.

    •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) OP
      22 years ago

      Oh, and I’d say a good starting point would be Fallen Dragon since it’s a standalone or Pandora’s Star since it’s the start of what imho is hist best work! It’s a universe divided into three series, first the Commonwealth Saga (Pandora’s Star & Judas Unchained) followed by the Void Trilogy (The Dreaming Void, The Temporal Void, The Evolutionary Void) and lastly The Chronicle of the Fallers (The Abyss Beyond Dreams, Night Without Stars)

      There’s a prequel to the Commonwealth Saga as well, Misspent youth… it’s… decent. I wouldn’t start with it but it might be nice if you want a little bit more backstory to the main tech aspects used in the series.

        •  nlm   ( @nlm@beehaw.org ) OP
          22 years ago

          And almost all of them are great! :)

          There are some complaints about sex scenes in his books. I don’t remember much details from his earlier work, it’s been 20+ years since I read them but I can’t recall ever being bothered by them either.

          I do recall him saying that his publisher back then wanted him to make his books a bit spcier though, so that might be where they’re coming from. Don’t quote me on that though. :)

          He’s a brillian world builder, tech writer and up there with George R R Martin when it comes to juggling character arcs.

  • Yes very much although I need to catch up with his last few novels. I have been too busy and distracted for the past few years to keep up with my sci-fi reading so I am way behind on the latest releases from my favourite authors.

  • I love his books, and I have 110% stolen the name “Bionanonics” for use with a sci-fi character in RP forums, and if I ever write a sci-fi story I am going to probably use it there too. I am currently wrapped up in writing a fantasy serial instead though, so no idea if that will ever happen.

    I have not read Light Chaser though. I should look that up.