A boob, a butt, or even some violence like one might see on the news anyway, I’m not freaked out about all that and I don’t feel the need to hide it from those around me usually… that’s all fine fine, but I don’t want porn on my feed like at all.

Editing for clarity here:

Those are all things that might get flagged NSFW that I don’t mind seeing in general. I’m not uptight about it, it’s just a little different to be inundated with hardcore pornography like… while on the train.

I joined a primarily social insurance, kbin.social. I am very open to what is in my feed, sometimes to the extremer ends of that. I just believe that porn is a separate thing entirely and should be separated in some way. I’m not opposed to porn, but there’s a reason it had its own room in the video store. And if you’re wanting to look at porn, there’s a good chance you’re ONLY looking for porn at that moment.

    • I don’t disagree - but just during this whole Ukraine / Russia thing I’ve found myself subscribing to some things where I’m likely to see footage from the field. To me this is just informational and in some ways important to see, despite the fact that it is difficult to take. Horrors of war and all that. That’s a normal part of my daily news consumption while someone in a dog costume getting railed in an elevator at a convention is uh… well it is what it is, and I don’t want it.

    • Seriously… there are so many things considered occasionally NSFW. Curse words, nudity, violence, suicide, even on Reddit cigarette anything tobacco related. I am personally very tolerant of all content, but I have lines with both gore and porn that I just don’t want the content mixed in with my casual browsing. I wish everyone would just take it to lemmynsfw so I could filter it appropriately, but due to relaxed instance rules even a generally tame instance like kbin.social constantly has new specific groups for me to ban. Just today it has beenfurry cartoon porn, feet, celebs…

      Reddit never got this right either, but it seems like such an easy problem to solve. There’s R-rated and there’s porn. Not sure if it’s a result of people being too prude or too loosey goosey, but it seems very obvious to me.

    • Any kind of tag you use to convey “sensitive content that may be offensive” will always become a meme. That’s how human nature works and history proves it over and over.

      Examples abound. Skulls and cross bones, the nuclear / atomic symbol, X ratings becoming XXX tags in porno titles, Parental Advisory Explicit Content … this list keeps going on the closer you look. If a symbol, or a meme, is used to denote a warning, it will be co-opted by a subset of folks who will use it in ironic fashion. NSFW tags, “trigger warning” - all of these in the end are doomed from the very start to, at least in part, fail and have the exact opposite effect.

      There’s an interesting problem for nuclear researchers these days: how do you label a thing as dangerous in such a way that societies in ten thousand years will still recognize what it means? Because some of the shit they’re toying with will be. They gotta think about it. Like even today the image of a skull means something very different depending on the culture that image is from.

  • I don’t want to be contrarian here, but I don’t think we do. The title should be more than enough to determine the kind of nsfw it is. I’m not saying we don’t need the feature, but I’ve never clicked a link thinking it would be porn and got gore or similar.

    Porn doesn’t usually come from communities that aren’t porn communities so it isn’t really ever an issue. An I off base here?

    • Remember when /all showed nsfw/porn threads? That was fun/scary/interesting. I’m not saying one way or another which is “better”, but ultimately having individual options might be best.

    • Perhaps in addition to allowing some communities to set themselves as NSFW by default, Kbin could also let communities set up tags that get automatically added to their posts? That way the porn ones could add #porn, the combat footage ones could add #gore, etc. “NSFW” would be a special tag that indicates that the contents should be blurred or otherwise hidden from accidental view, and the user could then decide whether they wanted to view it anyway based on the tags that were on it. Meanwhile something that was a perfectly innocent academic debate on the subject of porn could have the #porn tag but not the NSFW flag, and it’d be shown normally.

          • Thinking on it more, the only hiccup I can see is stuff like possible medical communities. They would be rarer than your basic morbid curiosity subs, but they do have both important discussion and definitely -nsfw photos. Not everything posted there would be gore, but every image likely would be, so it evades the proposed tag filter somewhat by being both on a regular basis.

            Everything posted there can’t be automatically nsfw gore, but it can’t not be. It would have to be a hard and fast rule to manually tag them and if the mod doesn’t care, all bets are off on a lot of users becoming familiar with a lot of oozing meat.

    • For everything else outside of gore and porn I like browsing with image previews enabled and “all” instead of “subscribed,” and I want to see things that at least on Reddit were forced to be marked as nsfw. Maybe in the Fediverse NSFW is only limited to those things and I can turn it off, which I have, but I do not want to miss content from medium-adult posts just because of my preference to not jerk at all times of day.

    • Porn doesn’t usually come from communities that aren’t porn communities so it isn’t really ever an issue. An I off base here?

      Once a week, on r/all, there is a thread with a cryptic title like “Look at what he did” marked NSFW that is posted in r/videos.

      Now tell me, is that now a person pissing on the street? Is someone dancing naked on their car’s roof? Or is it maybe a dude having an accident while skating and it shows his broken arm?

  • As a moderator of r/nudism on Reddit, I fully support this message. While we don’t find an image of a naked person any more or less offensive or sexual than an image of a naked dog or cat (please don’t read anything in to that, pervs) we do recognize that nudity is NSFW for most people’s workplaces. That said, we worked very hard to keep the sub rated as all ages, SFW, and required any image that contained nudity (which was rare) to be marked NSFW.

    As with most things, there is nuance and the devil is in the details.


    A modest suggestion, have multiple tags. Violence, Nudity, Sex, Drugs, or whatever else. Users can choose to filter based on their personal views.

  • Dude I opened kbin in a fairly public setting and one of the random posts was a guy with a MASSIVE cock, like the girth of a soda can. I wish there was a way for NFSW oriented magazines/communities/instances to automatically flag posts made to them as NSFW

  • Additionally, is there a way to block a magazine (hopefully I’m using the correct term) aside from having to actually go in there and click on the block button? If a properly skeezy one shows up on my general feed I’d prefer to not have to actually open it to filter it out if that makes sense.

      • On mobile, if you click the kbin logo when you’re at the top of the screen it will create an in-window “pop up” of sorts that brings that bottom magazine footer to the top so you can block (or subscribe) without scrolling. At least that’s how I do it.

  • Another example is that /r/vexillology used NSFW to literally mean “Not Safe For Work” e.g. any flag that might get you in trouble should it show up on your PC at work. So for example, a tag for “fascist imagery” instead could be used.

    In this case I like the idea of magazines being able to define their own warnings.

    I’m totally down for Brandon Sanderson subs having “NSFV” tags (will not explain this as it’s a spoiler for his books).

  • Boobs, a butt, a missile decapitating someone… ok! What about a penis? Is that artistic and okay or is that unwanted porn?

    The NSFW tag works well enough. We don’t need to start tagging what is unwanted porn, what is violence, what is wanted porn, what is art. The tag along with the title of the post should be enough.

  • I’d settle for a setting to make all NSFW posts automatically minimized so you have to click on it to reveal it without going to the real page for it, if that makes sense

  • I feel like people miss the entire point of nsfw. It is supposed to be so you can have a way to filter everything so you could theoretically not see bad shit on a work computer.

    Nsfw should be a catch all, and almost overly restrictive, that way you can comfortably go to reddit, kbin, Lemmy or whatever on a work computer without fear of bad shit popping up.

    • True. However, there is no reason adding a more nuanced tagging system would impact the ability to do that. You can still browse at work when you should be working, just check all the boxes first.

      I, on the other hand, really like art. Sometimes that involves nudity, but it tends to be more incidental to the work and thus more tasteful than the internet’s repository of porn gifs. I really like medical subs, which back on reddit expressed itself in following posted medical cases that were often fairly graphic.

      I have no interest in seeing someone get spit roasted at really any point in my day, and there’s so much more of it that it would be impossible to find much of anything else nsfw in hours of scrolling. I can’t just block all the porn subs like I could on reddit, I’ve tried, there are more being made every day.

      I don’t think most people want to see what happens to your face when the shotgun doesn’t kill you, either, when all they’re trying to do is jerk off for a minute. At best, that’s just gonna give someone a kink they can’t talk about.

      As it is now, m/all is a giant porn sub and I’m relegated ONLY to my subscriptions. If I turn the filter on to deal with the porn, I can no longer access my own subs. If I leave it off, it is everywhere and the sheer amount of it noticeably impacts my ability to even use m/all to find subs I may not have the terms to search or just never knew I wanted. Which destroys the point of having an All.

      I think if we broke it down more, both sides would be served and no one would ever have to hear about it again

      • Pretty much exactly what I’ve been trying to say, just put more eloquently by you here. Incidental art nudity and medical stuff etc., exactly. I guess it ruffled the feathers of some folks with the way I worded it or people just really are that upset about what seems to be an absolutely benign thing to me.

  • There needs to be a levels system instead of a letters system.

    NSF(W)1: you wouldn’t look at it in front of your boss in a corporate setting. Anything slightly risque in nature.

    NSF(W)2: Written graphic text

    NSF(W)3: Maybe a nip slip, or an African tribeswoman in native dress

    NSF(W)4: Some intermediary step here

    NSF(W)5: Nudes, porn, etc.

    NSF(L)1: Fight footage with mild-medium violence

    NSF(L)2: Death

    NSF(L)3: Graphic death. Gore. Beheadings. Etc.

    They don’t even need to be in order, but there should be a classification system. Once the classification system is implemented, we can set classifications to view/not view in our settings.

  • I filed issue on the Codeberg suggesting they should use CWing system , like what mastodon uses . That way, more specificity of what’s in a post before clicking . Blanket NSFW flags don’t do this