• I’m sure the Army Protective Services Batallion has the Navy Seals Copypasta ready on a hotkey to anyone making a negative remark about army generals.

    On a more serious note, it should be an expectation at this point that anything you post in a public forum is a potential target for surveillance and spying. Anything you share to friends is only as private as you can trust them to keep confidential.

      • Very true. Beyond IP tracking, these organizations can conduct “legal stalking” by purchasing personal data from brokers.

        The one thing was a little surprising to me was that mobile ad sites used GPS location, doesn’t seem necessary to serve ads. But why voluntarily reduce the profitability of your business I suppose?

  • Maybe they should start with looking into why so many literal traitors to our country, like Ashley Babbitt, are being produced by our military.

    The fact that we even had 120 years worth of fellating the memory of traitors like traitor Braxton Bragg by naming our military installations after them is fairly damning.

    But oh no, general thin-skin has his panties in a bunch, surely that’s the real problem, not defending our fucking country.