I went to the browse communities page. There were 33 communities on the first page. When I clicked next, I got an empty page. If there are only 33 communities, ideally, there shouldn’t be a next button or it should be grayed out. It not a big deal, just checking to see if the page is showing everything

  • Yup. Beehaw is a food truck with 33 menu items. If you want something that isn’t on the menu, you mosey over to one of the other food trucks in the Fediverse Food Truck Rodeo to get it. (Clever food truck analogy stolen from someone else’s post)

  •  ffmike   ( @ffmike@beehaw.org ) 
    1411 months ago

    Yes, that’s all the local communities. But if you toggle the top button from “Local” to “All” you can see the zillions of communities on the fediverse as a whole.

    And yeah, the UI is a bit rough. I expect it will get more polished over time. Hopefully the influx of users recently will include some who want. to contribute to the lemmy projects.

  • Beehaw is 1 server amongst many.

    Think more like email. If you have a Yahoo email address you can still email GMail users.

    Same with Beehaw. The Fediverse isn’t just the server you’re on, it all interconnects. You can dollow a communityon Lemmy.ml or a person on Mastodon, or comment on a video on Peertube, etc.

    You have to change your view from Local to All though to see everyone or follow groups or people on other servers.

    •  Curt   ( @curt@beehaw.org ) OP
      511 months ago

      I’m well aware of that I can get to communities on other instances. I was just surprised to see so few on beehaw. I’m guessing any new beehaw community would need a moderator or two and there may not be anyone volunteering to do it thus a limited number of communities. I prefer fewer well run communities over a more out of control ones.