Why did so many subreddits go private?

  • In addition to the new API pricing, Reddit and its CEO’s response to its users complaints was condescending and unempathetic. Many users have decided to leave Reddit because the company takes its most important asset–user-generated content–for granted. Others are leaving because important accessibility features will be unavailable after the API prices go into effect.

  • reddit is about to start charging money to use their api. this will mean some 3rd party apps that are used by moderators will start being charged millions per year, which is unaffordable and thus will end up closing. so moderators are protesting this change by making the subreddits go private.

  • Friends A bring their toys to your house to play. Other friends B play with them as well. You, the entitled CEO and owner of the house, tells friends B they now have to pay YOU for playing with Friends A toys because it’s YOUR house. Friends B and A get upset and say they’ll go elsewhere. You, don’t think they will.