• After reading their article I’m slightly more optimistic about it than I was initially. It does seem they’re doing it for good reasons but ofc they’d say that :) but I kinda hope it works out.

    Or I’m at least curious to see how it goes.

    • I’m looking forward to seeing what they’re replacing it with. I will miss the hype around the battlepass, but I also acknowledge that it’s been dying down over the years. I grew too used to it

      Some of the best Dota updates are the ones that shake things up in a major way (7.33, talents, neutral items) because they’re new and interesting. Maybe applying that same concept to out of game content will have the same effect

  • This seems like a weird decision. The battle pass and substantial, frequent, interesting content updates coexisted for years and I can’t help but feel this bodes poorly for the effect TI will have each year.

    BUTTT it seems like the game itself will receive more love so who knows maybe it’ll work out.