A year-long investigation uncovers a sadistic abuse network stretching from Indonesia to the US.

  • OMG this is horrific!

    I remember a little while back, all these cute monkey videos turning up on Youtube. And there were a few different channels. I watched a couple but became quickly curious about the origin - why a monkey was seemingly living with humans etc. I thought maybe it was some sort of rescue shelter, but the channel names didn’t sound very official.

    Someone in the comments mentioned that people should not watch/subscribe, but rather report the channels, because once the monkey’s get to six months or something, they were killed. I reported the channels, but they also quickly dropped off my feed. I dunno if it was because of the algorithm, or because Youtube banned the channels.

    • I have also come across those baby monkey videos on YouTube. I found them a bit unsettling but couldn’t pinpoint why. The article doesn’t make any connection with those videos to the torture though.

      • No it does not describe the exact nature of the videos, but it does say:

        The torture ring began life on YouTube, before moving to private groups on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

        Which makes me wonder if they are connected to the ones we saw.

  • I remember the “monkey torture rabbit hole” very well, there was a great worry that some people who wanted to go past even animals would be in those communities and there were several convincing links e-investigators made to all sorts of horrible,unmentionable things. I’m really glad governments have been looking into it.