Usenet is unmoderated. Once you post it, it sticks forever. We could probably get one of the independent providers to give free access to a new newsgroup. Anyone have any thoughts?

I’ve used Usenet for my content needs for years because it’s so fast and risk free. I think we could also use it for our community discussions.

    • Usenet was originally intended for sharing information but then it moved into being sort of the first social media platform then it kind of transitioned back into being mostly used for file sharing.

      I can totally saturate my 1 gig internet connection with Usenet. Can download at incredible speeds. No need to ever upload. No logs of what I download. Almost instant access.

      You need an indexer and you need a provider. Then you use sabnzbd to queue up what you want to download. It’s not free but depending on how much you plan to download, it’s a bargain.

      For indexers I suggest drunkenslug or nzbplanet. For a provider I suggest NewsDemon or They are both good independent providers who have helped Usenet stay alive and not succumb to corporate greed.

      • Have you always needed a separate indexer? I vaguely recall using Usenet a decade ago and being able to download directly from the thread I was browsing. Do some providers include an indexer with the Usenet subscription?

        • You’ll find bits and pieces, but many indexers (and their uploaders) heavily obfuscate and password their stuff. You’ll never find it with nzbking or binsearch or manually downloading headers in a newsreader like it was common 15-20 years ago. Pretty much like a private torrent tracker.

        • I guess you could manually scroll through boards and download files that you want but so much of the stuff uploaded is heavily obfuscated so the advantage of an indexer is you can search for a file name and find it quickly and easily

    • Usenet is a very old part of the internet. I think it predates the world wide web. It’s basically a message board. Which boards (like subs) exist on there is democratically decided. At least that was how it was done in Germany. For example, when there where too many Star Wars posts in the Science Fiction group de.rec.sf they decided to create one for Star Wars under de.rec.sf.starwars.

      The actual content resides on newsservers around the globe. When you pass a message to one of them it is distributed around the globe to all the other servers. It’s similar to how Lemmy works, with the difference that with Lemmy content is only passed around when someone is actually subscribed to a particular community.

      But many news servers don’t pass around messages that contain files. Because that would take up too much space. To get access to the servers that do pass around files you have to pay for the service. That is actually used for piracy nowadays.

      Back in the days you could actually get access to usenet from your ISP. At least to the text only portion. Don’t know how you’d do it nowadays. It’s mostly fallen to obscurity.

    • Usenet WAS basically the internet back in the early to mid 90s,they are also called list servers, that’s basically what they are.

      You post to a list by topic and it appends your post to the list. It’s like reddit in that there are topics and subjects but the list just goes on forever.

      Each post will have your subject line and other header info and the software will let you reply and quote and so on.

      The key is that it isn’t very centralized, servers will copy the lists and host their own. The cool thing was it would let you post binaries. So piracy and pr0n on the internet was here b4 websites were really a thing.

      There are a lot of list servers out there but my understanding is that the good ones are a subscription now.

    •  float   ( ) 
      51 year ago

      Is torrenting really free though? VPNs and seedboxes are not and torrenting without any of those is a bad idea in many countries. Usenet is quite cheap. I use both but I prefer the usenet tbh.

      • You do not need a seedbox nor a VPN. It is advised to use some VPN if your ISP is hostile to pirating, but in a lot of countries that’s not the case. Seedboxes are only necessary if you’re on a private tracker with strict demands, but even then content has a way with leaking out of those communities onto public trackers.

        •  float   ( ) 
          11 year ago

          I’m in one of the counties where it’s impossible without a VPN because there’s a big industry making money by suing people for copyright violations. But you’re right, in many countries nobody really cares.

    •  dan   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      federated social media

      Usenet was the original federated social media. Back when it was actually used for discussions, you’d post to your ISP’s server, which would be federated with the other Usenet servers.

  •  Borgzilla   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    There has been a surge of new users on USENET as of late. If you’re looking for a free NNTP server, I recommend eternal-september.

    Stop by if you’re looking for a general discussion group :)

  •  dan   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    A lot of the comment here don’t seem to understand what you’re asking. I think you’re talking about using Usenet for its original purpose (discussion forums), not for piracy.

  • I haven’t used the Usenet in about 8 years or so. What is currently a good provider? Is sabnzb or wtf it was called still the best software? And what search engine would you recommend for finding nzb in 2023?

    • In my opinion, the best provider is Eweka. You can still get the €3.99/mo offer at They don’t follow DMCA so uploads tend to last a lot longer. Ideally you’ll have at least one block account from another provider on a different backbone. Check here for a map of providers and backbones The block account is for when your main provider is missing some parts. However, with Eweka this has been extremely rare for me so you can probably wait on getting a block account if you go with them.

      Nowadays, you’ll also need a good indexer (or two or three). Long gone are the days of searching for an nzb on a public site. Nzbgeek is probably a good one to start with since it has open registration. DrunkenSlug is another great one, but requires an invite. I don’t think there is a lemmy alternative, so checkout r/usenetinvites if interested.

      SABnzbd and NZBget are the two most used downloaders, but the latter is no longer being maintained.

      • Uploads do not last a lot longer on Eweka. That is a common misconception that the corporate staff at Eweka seem to be successfully pushing so they can trick you into buying their product TWICE. They own Eweka plus a bunch of other US based sites and want you to purchase an account at eweka and an account at one of their US sites. Now you can see why people are leaving Usenet, when the largest provider is shady like that.

        Eweka has to follow NTD rules which are just basically the EUs version of DMCA. Both NTD and DMCA providers get all the same notices I’ve read. Maybe it takes a couple extra hours to process NTD but if you’re using automation then you will be grabbing it in the first 24 hours anyway.

        Don’t waste your time paying the extra money for Eweka unless maybe you’re in the EU and just want a server close to you. They don’t have a US based server location.

        • That’s interesting, never heard that before. I’ve been using them for about 2.5 years and got in at €2.99/mo. Maybe my download success could be attributed to the indexers I’m using? I think I was using NewsDemon before that and definitely had some takedown issues.

          • I think Newsdemon was still on Omacon 2.5 years ago so maybe that was the issue.

            If you’ve been following on the Usenet subreddit there has been a lot of info about Omacron being bad. They’ve run off competition and done some shady things with user data. I think they even voluntarily handed it over to the government once for a court case. They own Eweka.

    •  Xer0   ( ) 
      11 year ago

      Yeah I use SABnzbd, Sonarr and Radarr. You can basically add shows / movies through sonarr and Radarr, set the quality you want, and when they become available they’ll automatically download for you. I’ve got mine setup on a raspberry pi which is also running a plex server. Would definitely recommend.

  • This is a summary of the posted article (I’m a bot).

    Inflation held steady at 8.7 percent in May despite analyst expectations it would fall to 8.4 percent. It makes it almost certain the Bank of England will increase interest rates to 5 percent in August. The country’s economy now risks a wave of mortgage defaults as a slew of fixed rate deals head for expiry in the second half of this year. The data is likely to unnerve Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who pledged in January he would slash inflation in half if he came to power.

    How do I work?

  • It’s pretty good for movies and tv shows but that’s it (at least in my country). For software or games there are much better websites. But still I absolutely love the Usenet. I prefer forums over indexer because they’re free and also have every show and movie I wanted to download.