Just a little something that I figured out today which is really great for how I’m using my computer and the internet lately…

Your Obsidian notes when composed in the most markdown-compliant way possible (make your links and image imbeds settings favor external markdown compliance) paste pretty much perfectly into most fediverse platforms.

This would obviously also apply to any other markdown editor, but I use Obsidian because of plugins that I use for tracking the content I consume…

Example: When I watch a movie, I create a page for it using the Media DB plugin. From there I put whatever I want, review or notes or screenshots of links to clips. Yesterday I watched John Wick 4 and wrote a review of it.

Just another way to integrate your notetaking solution into your daily life, for me the more concentrated and connected the tools I use are the more likely I am to stay organized and on top of things.

Happy day after Juneteenth everybody!

¡Hasta Luego!