•  Domiku   ( @Domiku@beehaw.org ) 
    1061 year ago

    Absolutely wild. I used to moderate a local-area subreddit with around 39K members and decided to just cut my losses. Deleted my account and never looked back! I was happy to see that the remaining mods stuck with our 2-day blackout plan.

    Honestly though, it was such a miserable job. Constant bad-faith arguments from folks trying to post heinous comments about asylum seekers, LGBTQ+ folks, etc. It really makes you lose faith in your fellow man. I’m very happy to have given it up. I guess this is why Facebook spends millions of dollars on content moderation – it’s very taxing.

    • I guess this is why Facebook spends millions of dollars on content moderation

      Meanwhile reddit is shitting all over the people who were donating these millions of dollars worth of content moderation to them.

      Anybody who invests in the reddit IPO must be an absolute idiot.

      Seriously. There are tech companies out there which are 100% scams and they are better run than reddit. They do not understand how their own product works. DO NOT BUY!!!

      • It’s insane that any CEO would point to Twitter and say, “that’s the model we want to follow”. They are making like 5 figures worth of money on subscriptions, they have lost tons of advertising due to their content policies in the Elon era, and people generally feel unsafe so a bunch of people left the platform. What is redeeming about any of that?

  • Apparently, those subreddits are now not only open, but completely unmoderated. Reddit’s solution was to remove the mods and put nobody else in charge. I’m sure that won’t backfire in any way whatsoever! /s

  • For a public spokesperson, this is such a hostile and condescending response:

    Asked if Reddit could confirm the reinstatement, Rathschmidt declined, saying, “I’m not going to set a precedent of confirming with The Verge every action we do or don’t take to ensure users can access their communities.”

    • It sounds like this was done without any warning, too. Subs can, and have, changed their rules many times. Users voting to allow NSFW content is already precedented.

      Unilaterally removing mods who are in direct compliance with your order to reopen the sub isn’t a good look, particularly since one of the biggest drivers of this protest is the lack of communication with mods.

    • Let’s see how that works out for them.

      Judging by the comments you get if you suggest switching away from Reddit, Reddit will do very well. I won’t be there, but they’ll be successful even if the site goes more to shit.

      •  NuPNuA   ( @NuPNuA@lemm.ee ) 
        421 year ago

        It is shocking how emotionally attached some people seem to be to Reddit and how they lash out when you suggest alternatives.

        I wonder if it’s an age thing, people pushing 40 like me have seen plenty of sites come and go an have transitioned with them. If you’re under say 25, you may have been using Reddit your whole life on the internet.

        •  Troy   ( @troyunrau@lemmy.ca ) 
          131 year ago

          Dialup BBSes->usenet->Slashdot->Digg->Reddit->Lemmy. I’m sure it’ll happen again.

          Lemmy really reminds me of those old BBSes though – I’m connecting to my local server, it’s federating messages like FIDOnet used to do, just much faster :)

          • You left out IRC. It’s #channel drama was fantastic back in they day. Using net-splits to take over channels. Finding some jerk’s running an open proxy and using it to get the IP klined.

            I was struggling to remember FIDOnet! UUCP kept NNTP keept popping into my head.

            •  Troy   ( @troyunrau@lemmy.ca ) 
              21 year ago

              My IRC experience is largely limited to openprojects.net (later freenode), and it had tools in place to prevent that drama. By the time the network collapsed under post-lilo management, I had already moved on. The drama that existed on other servers felt like rumour only.

  • Even if you wanted to stay as a mod you’d have to have taken a shot to the heart after all of Reddits shinanigans lately. Years of free effort and this is the thanks you get. Absolutely disgusting betrayal of people who have done a mostly fantastic job keeping the wheels on the beast all these years and I’m absolutely stunned they did it.

    RIP Reddit as we currently know it.

  • Lol how dare he frame this like he’s firing employees for not doing their jobs. This isn’t a job dipshit, it’s unpaid volunteer labor that for some dumbass reason you think you’re entitled to just for offering an empty room for people to walk in, decorate, and create community in. Honestly what a POS.

  •  Shhalahr   ( @Shhalahr@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    CEO Steve Huffman told me in an interview last week, “90-plus percent of Reddit users are on our platform, contributing, and are monetized either through ads or Reddit Premium. Why would we subsidize this small group? Why would we effectively pay them to use Reddit but not everybody else who also contributes to Reddit?”

    It’s called a “loss leader,” Steve.

    Dude’s sounding like the kind of guy that cuts IT, security, and janitorial because they don’t bring in revenue. But then, he did say he’s following the Musk model. Which is, basically, that.

    • 90-plus percent of Reddit users are on our platform, contributing, and are monetized either through ads or Reddit Premium

      I wonder how many of those reddit premium members have cancelled their subscriptions. I know I did. I had premium for years as it seemed like a good way to give a little bit back to a site I was using multiple times a day, every day. As soon as Spez started his bullshit I cancelled it and won’t be back.

      •  TauZero   ( @TauZero@mander.xyz ) 
        331 year ago

        All they had to do was offer API keys with Reddit Premium. Plug-and-play into your 3rd-party-app of choice. Can’t believe those dum-dums chose to kill off their golden goose instead.

          •  TauZero   ( @TauZero@mander.xyz ) 
            171 year ago

            All the 3pa’s shut down business the moment the actual API prices were announced. This wasn’t a protest move, the prices were simply 20 times higher than what they were promised and impossible to work into their business model. Reddit couldn’t have overcharged and continued as normal - it was a deliberate move to kill off 3pa while pretending they are not. Reddit COULD have charged this API price to users directly via Reddit Premium, but failed to do so.

            • I think it also important to note that it wasn’t just the pricing itself, which was indeed already heinous, but that the rate calculation changed. It used to be a rate per user per app (apikey+oauth) but they changed that to just the per app … that then has a multiplicative effect on the costs and makes the “free tier” they were talking about especially pointless…

              It would be easy for an app to start at free tier … not have much growth through word of mouth but enough given the per app rates to push it over boundary points … and then be due a significant and unavoidable invoice in a couple of months…

              • The rate is $0.24 per 1000 API calls. You are thinking about the “free tier”. Before, all calls were free, and even if there were per-app/per-user limits buried in the docs they were not enforced. After the announcement there was some confusion about whether the new “free tier” limits are per-user or per-app, and turns out they are indeed 10 calls/minute per app! The free tier is for developer testing basically, it cannot be used for a mass market app. So the rate calculation hasn’t changed, it was introduced to kill off free apps.

        • Speaking of API keys, the free key allows just a little bit of traffic, which is probably just enough for a single user, but not enough for all the Apollo users added together. So, my idea is that what if every user had their own personal key…

          • Reddit would likely put a wall up to prevent non-developers from getting keys. I deal with enterprise applications that do that to prevent just that sort of thing. Basically you require developer registeration, and refuse any applicant that doesn’t show they are really a developer.

            • I just asked Bing to write some VBA code that adds two numbers together. Here’s the code.

              `Sub AddTwoNumbers() Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim z As Integer

              x = 1
              y = 1
              z = x + y
              MsgBox "The result is " & z

              End Sub `

              I’m a VBA developer now. I’m entitled to get my own API, right?

              Oh, but that’s not all, there’s also a Whitespace version of my program.


                		 	 	 	 	 	 # push 1
                		 	 	 	 	 	 # push 1
                		 	 	 	 # add
                		 	 	 # print as number
                		 	 	 	 	 # exit
              ``` `
              Before you ask, Wthisepace is an actual programming languga, alot like Brainfuck.
              With a portfolio like this, they are obliged to give me my API key now.
          • Currently the key provisioning system is really only meant for developers, key requests have to be manually approved by reddit admins. You couldn’t have millions of users jump in to request their own keys. This uncertainty is why the 3pa devs considered and discarded the option of letting users provide their own keys, choosing to shut down their apps entirely. Making the system official and automated via Reddit Premium would have solved that.

      •  Ganbat   ( @Ganbat@lemmynsfw.com ) 
        1 year ago

        Once he started lying about and defaming devs, it should’ve all been over, no one with any fragment of a conceince should be capable of giving a penny to the place, but somehow, some of these people think that’s totally cool. It boggles the mind.

  • It’s honestly crazy how poorly this whole thing is being handled. Reddit admins are really showing their true colors and keep doubling down on everything, making themselves look like absolute fools. They realized they don’t have as much power as they wanted and are acting like grumpy children throwing a temper tantrum

  •  runarskoll   ( @runarskoll@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    “90-plus percent of Reddit users are on our platform, contributing, and are monetized either through ads or Reddit Premium. Why would we subsidize this small group? Why would we effectively pay them to use Reddit but not everybody else who also contributes to Reddit?”

    If I’m reading this correctly, this is blatantly assuming that he would rather loose those 10% of users who use third-party apps, than letting them use Reddit for free. He even calls it “subsidizing” them. The tricky part for the CEO-wannabe spez is to know how much of those 10% are content creators. Are users who use third-party apps more prone to post the kind of stuff which makes Reddit unique or not? Because let’s face it, if he’s betting on having a thriving social network trying to mimic tiktok, instagram, etc… he’s light years behind. Reddit will never be the choice of shitty influencers and people mimicking each others dances. It’s just too complicated of a network for such a basic user-base.

    OR…he just wants to prep things up to sell and disappear. From everything I read, his Eloncrush is the most worrying part of it all.

    • These 10% are the power users and likely the biggest contributors to the platform. I’m totally okay with letting these guys come here and start up a new community while reddit tries to make it work with the casuals and lurkers.