• Honestly, seems pretty sus. The link you posted is just a screenshots of some word documents in a folder, the original source they posted was removed by the mods of /r/exmo which they would not do if there was credibility of this being real because /r/exmo loves being able to destroy the church. People who saw the post before it was taken down say the documents are written by someone who is not a native english speaker, and contain links to news articles but little else. I want this to be true because I hate the cult and what it did to me, but this doesn’t seem credible. Even if some of the things they discuss in it might be. I’d believe it more if it came from a more credible source than some guy who posted “look what I found” on /r/exmo

      • Not only that, but Mormons view patriotism as a religious virtue. We were raised that America is God’s chosen place, and next to serving a mission the best thing you could do is serve your nation.

        The guys who created the CIA book on how to tortue were both Mormons. I hope that if I am very very wrong and Mormonism does turn out to be right, that God fucking punishes these sick fucks for thinking that torture is ok, or even good.