Calckey/Firefish is based off of Misskey, a powerful microblogging server on ActivityPub with features such as emoji reactions, a customizable web UI, rich chatting.

Wow, what a wild ride, huh? From those first brainstorming sessions that sparked Calckey, to the epic journey that brings us here today, rebranding as Firefish - I’ve gotta say, I’m seriously blown away.

One year ago, Calckey was just my side project, after being a Misskey contributor for a while. But when y’all jumped on board, you made it so much more. You transformed it from my dream to our reality.

Firefish isn’t just a cool name. It’s everything we’ve been working towards. It’s late nights, strong coffee, wild ideas, laughs, and even the occasional tears. It’s our little space on the web where we’re constantly pushing for the next big thing, and always looking out for one another.

So here we are, at the start of something new. Firefish is more than just a rebrand - it’s a celebration. A celebration of you, me, and us. It’s a tribute to the amazing community we’ve built together. Firefish is all of YOU.

  • Really don’t know how they thought of the name Firefish without thinking it would make people think of Firefox first. Like how did they brainstorm this name, it makes me wonder

  •  ADHDefy   ( ) 
    10 months ago

    I adore Calckey/Firefish. It’s amazing software, but these are both pretty bad names. lol

    I guess Firefish is better, because it sounds like software you’d want to use and not something you have to put up with to file a tax return, but also… why?

    • It also sounds too much like Firefox. But either way, it doesn’t sound like accounting software anymore which was my issue with calckey’s branding prior to now anyway lmao

      But it’s by far the best fediverse platform I’ve used from a functionality standpoint and I’m quite fond of it so hopefully this puts more eyes on it

        •  dan   ( ) 
          310 months ago

          A lot of issues with PWAs on iPhone are due to Apple limitations. Maybe one day Apple will improve their support for PWAs. The thing is that they have no incentive to make the experience as good as apps, since they can’t charge their Apple Tax (30%) for purchases in a PWA.

        • I’m on because it was partered with the small anime-oriented masto instance I used previously so it felt like an easy swap and i could trust the moderation policy but my advice is, if you wanna use it like mastodon find a small instance where you can trust the mods and talk to them, and if you want to use it like its own platform (using channels, namely) find the biggest instance that’s catered towards the niche you’re most passionate about. Channels are a big feature sell of firefish for me so being on an anime-centric instance makes a lot of sense for me :)

  • It’s not just specific to Clackey, but I really hate when sites hijack the right-click menu, either to remove options, or to modify it for “theme”. I get that it looks pretty wrt to the site’s theme, but seriously, leave browser controls the fuck alone.

    •  dan   ( ) 
      410 months ago

      You can hold shift while right-clicking in Firefox to bypass any custom right-click code and always show the browser’s native context menu.

      At least I think it’s shift. Might be alt.

  • Calckey now Firefish seems really cool, but tbh I really can’t say I’m a fan of this rebrand. Calckey was distinct. Firefish sounds either like a Mozilla product, or a Firefox browser fork, or else bland office software. Definitely a downgrade imo.

    • It’s Mastodon with a better featureset and UX. Forked from the well-established Fediverse platform MissKey. Some things I like:

      • Threaded comment replies (though they display differently from Lemmy’s).
      • Antennae for discoverability.
        • Can use hashtags AND keywords.
        • Can filter results by instance.
        • Can create multiple timelines to display content in.
      • Customizable UI via widgets.
      • I think the theming options are better.
      • Full-text search.
      • Quote posts.
      • Cat mode.
    • Firefish née Calckey is a microblogging platform like Mastodon, but that’s about all it has in common. Firefish has extra features like emoji reactions (like Facebook’s, but you can use any emoji, including custom emoji), quote posts, and better support for deep threads (it displays replies in a tree view like Lemmy or Kbin, unlike Mastodon which tries to linearize them and makes them a confusing mess). it also supports text formatting like bold, italics, headings, custom link text, and even animations (don’t worry, they don’t autoplay). it’s even themable, and supports migrating posts from other accounts so you don’t have to start over!

  • The name is way too similar to the Firefox trademark and could create the impression that Firefish is associated with Mozilla. I suspect some lawyers are currently in a huddle trying to figure out how to send a Cease and Desist letter that won’t completely piss off the community.

    (Trademark law, at least in the US where Mozilla is headquartered, requires organizations to actively defend their trademarks. So just ignoring Firefish would be risky, even if they don’t actually mind the similarity.)

    •  maegul   ( ) 
      110 months ago

      What’s the reasonable extent of their trade mark? Anything involving “Fire” + “animal” … or “animals” starting with “f”? Actually, now that I think that through, “fish” alliterating with “fox”, and the non-trivial amount of “fox”/“furry” love on the platform does make this seem like a less trivial issue.

      But still … it seems to be in the space of similar but not trade mark infringement no?

      • Good question! Whether it’s actually infringement is a legal judgment I’m certainly not qualified to make. 🙂 But my understanding is that it hinges on whether a court thinks a “reasonable person” could be confused. For example, a clothing brand called “Firefoxy” would probably be in the clear since Mozilla isn’t in the clothing business. And maybe even a clothing brand named “Firefox” might be okay! For example, Apple Computer and Apple Records (founded by The Beatles) coexisted nicely for a long time until Apple Computer started getting into the music-selling business. I forget how it got resolved (maybe a licensing agreement?) but The Beatles’ music wasn’t available on the iTunes Music Store for a looooong time while that dispute was going on.

        Firefish is an online service and software package, the very space Mozilla operates in, so there’s at least a case to be made that reasonable people might incorrectly assume it’s from Mozilla. It’s come up many times in this discussion already, and we as active Fediverse users are already pretty well informed about this!

        •  maegul   ( ) 
          210 months ago

          Yea it might fall into the “similar, but not really infringement, but similar enough to cause some headaches especially for a very small volunteer run social media platform” territory.

          Thanks for the response!!

        •  maegul   ( ) 
          110 months ago

          Not a tumblr user, but AFAIU, the post length or lack of character limit kinda tracks, but on the fediverse character limits like twitter and mastodon are much more forgiving basically everywhere else, so I’m not sure that’s a major factor. Plus, the colorful graphics and theme customisation and UI options are a big part of firefish/calckey, and I’m not sure that’s a thing on tumblr.

            •  maegul   ( ) 
              210 months ago

              I’m on … now probably (as in they’re making the change today).

              It’s the main flagship-style instance. But they’ve been having performance issues for a month or so that aren’t fatal but not ideal. There’s a good chance the move to the new server (ie will fix all that but I wouldn’t guarantee that.

              Other than that I’m not really sure. seems to be run well. the admins of infosecexchange and also run instances, but I’m not sure how they’re going. So, is probably the best recommendation … though there are actually a number of instances out there!