This fall, The Marvels take flight.Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Inte…

  • I haven’t watched a Marvel movie in ages.

    I was excited for what they were going to do after Endgame as I really thought they were going to take things to another level, but ultimately each one feels like the same movie to me at this point.

    They suffer from the same issue that every movie/show faces; needing mass appeal, following the same formula, and being afraid to have anything definitive happen.

    The last bothers me the most. If I’m watching a show and a character dies, I barely react at this point; I just wonder how long until they’re back.

    • Yeh the multiverse completely ruined the marvel cinematic universe. I get why they did it, but I think it was a terrible decision. It’s not really a coincidence that almost every movie since they introduced it has flopped.

      As you said, it just takes away any and all shock and drama. Oh spider man got turned to dust and died? Strange because we know he has a solo movie set after endgame coming out a few months after it, so I guess he isn’t dead.

      Not to mention that the movies are all now just basically filmed entirely on a green screen, while having worse and worse CGI.

  • I really tried on the Ms. Marvel series but it was not for me and I knew it by the second episode, and Captain Marvel was one of the most formulaic, underbaked films of that Phase. Maybe it is just because Guardians being done means whatever strong investments I once had in the MCU are fading away because it’s all just too much of the same, but really nothing that screams out to me that this will be enjoyable though I will ultimately see it (a couple friends and I see every MCU movie despite most of us being super burnt out)

    •  wjrii   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      I thought Ms. Marvel was one of the better things that they’ve done post-Endgame. I liked the Spider-man “neighborhood superhero” vibes in the first half, I liked the themes of a child of diaspora reconnecting with their heritage but still needing to recontextualize it, and Iman Vellani is a god-damn treasure when, as here, she’s properly cast. The “hard-light” powers and visuals were a decent enough riff on the “embiggening” power from the comics without asking the audience to accept Stretch Armstrong as a major superhero (Good luck, Mr. Fantastic).

      Still had underbaked villains, needless save-the-universe brinksmanship, and some of the flair from the first couple of episodes eroded into Marvel formulas, but overall I enjoyed it.

    • I really loved all of the MCU content and was extremely satisfied when Thanos was defeated in Endgame. Since then, I have enjoyed watching the movies that tie up the loose ends from Endgame; I.E. Loki, GOTG 2, and the Spidermans. Everything other than that has made me feel like Marvel is struggling for air.

  • That’s an avoid for me. Marvel and DC were fun and entertaining when they first came on the film scene, but now they’re just movie mills rehashing the same old slop. Box office performance indicates I’m not the only one who feels that way. But nothing against people who like their stuff, I’m just done with it, like listening to the same old song too many times.

  • They’ve lost their appeal to me. I think the last Marvel movie I saw was The Eternals which I actually liked but I haven’t seen the new ant man or guardians movie. I also like the She-Hulk show. For some reason I feel like I relate to Jennifer Walters more than I should.

    • The general reaction to the eternals turned me off Marvel. I was down for the tone shift, the slightly more mythical aspect as well as cosmic all through a more subtle family style drama.

      Even if it wasn’t for you, it was a different tone and a different kind of story, made well. And the mainstream reaction was something like “that’s not Marvel” or “that’s boring, what’s the point”, all while beginning to bemoan Marvel fatigue and repetitiveness else where. I realised Marvel was somewhat destined to be monotone and shallow, as it has been probably from the start TBH.

      I don’t pay to much attention to the franchise and it’s fans, but I suspect retrospectives in the future won’t be glowing.

  • With Guardians 3, I’ve now gotten everything I wanted from the MCU. If they manage to get things back on track I’d be game to catch up but my hopes aren’t high. While flashy, there’s nothing here that doesn’t look like the same old MCU.