Anybody remember Chap Hop? Fun times.

Just stumbled on this one. I didn’t think they were still making music!

Here’s the song I first heard of theirs…

Fighting Trousers - Professor Elemental

  • There’s a name I’ve not heard in a while. Used to love listening to that one song from like a decade ago, fighting trousers? Good shit, think I’ll go listen to that again.

    •  MooMix   ( ) OP
      11 year ago

      Musical comedy club?? That sounds awesome!

      I’m going to have to check out more of his stuff. I thought he’d basically be like a one hit wonder with the whole chap hop fad coming and going so fast.

      • Yeah, it’s called Distraction Club, and as far as I’m aware it’s still a thing on the first Tuesday of the month at a pub in central London. The guys who run it are friends of mine, but I moved away from London a few years ago.