• that’s how it goes. we’re in this transformation but most people don’t notice it because they experience the world and things seem to be ok (for now, or they are distracted by some other insignificant thing), and this is not even mentioning the economic and political obstacles that block any meaningful change.

      I think the likely scenario is people won’t seriously start to be concerned (and by serious i mean taking proactive steps across their individual and social lives) until this situation further develops and it will be a bit too late. I hope i’m wrong.

    • My understanding is that over time people will begin to move away from hotter regions. The most at risk will be children, small animals, the elderly and the poor.

      Impoverished nations will be hit the hardest and we’ll see the most change happen to those places first. Scientists have said that as climate change gets worse and as temperatures get warmer, extreme weather events also become more common and worse as well.

      As for how that will change for north America or Europe I have no real clue.

      I live in a fairly northern location. We get down to -40°c sometimes in the winter. But even the winters are warming up and becoming more mild and the summers are getting hotter and less bearable. I would imagine we might face energy issues in the future if our countries don’t adapt. There’s going to be more demand as houses here will need AC going forward to stay cool. That or they need to start building new homes with better insulating materials that prevent heat transfer.

  • Meanwhile, in southern Poland, I think we had one of the coldest springs lately, and only several really hot days of summer so far.

    Right now we have barely 22 - 23C here. I’m not complaining in general, but I wouldn’t mind temperatures ~5 degrees higher and more sun.