In recent years the trend to adapt video games into boardgames is just increasing.

Games like Stardew Valley, Civ, This war of mine and many more coming like Terraria or Call of Duty.

Some of these games like Civ are extremely complex games and I always wondered how well these translate into a boardgame. The production value of these games is often high, but I have my reservation that Stardew Valley the boardgame really captures the same “magic” as the video game did.

What are your thoughts on them? Any really good ones out there worthy checking out (lets exclude Dorfromantik here)?

  •  Ragoo   ( ) 
    51 year ago

    Starcraft was an incredible adaptation. It stayed very true to the original, including all the game content, and it was simply a very good (but complex) game. Unfortunately Fantasy Flight lost the license very quickly and had to remake it as Forbidden Stars years later… and then lost the license quickly again.

    The 2010 Civ game is also an excellent game with the expansions. Although the new one from 2017 with the Terra Incognita expansion seems to be liked even more, but I haven’t played it yet.

  • I generally like the trend, gives me something more to immerse myself in.

    I’ve played This War of Mine, and it was a fantastic, faithful, soul crushing adaptation.

    Recently got my friend the Binding of Isaac collection for his b-day and we both loved it! Surprisingly magic-like in mechanics but more Munchkin in setup. Like no deck building in that sense, but turn structure, stack and interrupts etc, comboing with items.

    He sometimes commented on how they adapted specific items and was generally impressed in how thet made it work.

    •  dpunked   ( ) OP
      31 year ago

      hmmm… Munchkin, at least in my personal opinion, is never a good argument, I find the game terrible.

      Maybe I have to give This war of mine a shot at some point, I did enjoy the video game. How well does it play coop?

  •  donio   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Neutral, I look at them on their own merits for both gameplay and art. Don’t care for overproduced stuff, no huge boxes of plastic for me.

    One that I enjoy is Super Motherload. Never played the video game, the boardgame is a neat and fairly unique deckbuilder with a spatial puzzle elment and a sensible production. My understanding is that it’s a fairly loose translation of the theme which is totally fine with me if it makes for a better boardgame.

    lets exclude Dorfromantik here

    Curious, why? Seems like a good example that’s on people’s minds.

    •  dpunked   ( ) OP
      21 year ago

      I think Dorfromantik is the exception. The video game already looks a lot like a boardgame so it could carry over the aesthetics. I think its a rare positive example and I was more curious about other positive ones.

  • I’m skeptical of all game and movie adaptations. The fact is, the IP owner almost always a megacorp that specializes in taking as much as possible while giving as little as possible in return. I know that the games are frequently made by known board game designers, but ultimate power over the projects is held by the IP owner and they aren’t interested in a good game, only a profitable one.

  • I’ve found a lot of these types of games tend to be a miss for me.

    Things like what Steamforged put out are more focused on the production and for me lack an interesting game.

    Elsewhere we have the “adaptations” of a decade ago which were usually theme slapped on thinly to a deck builder or something like that (think Uncharted or Resident Evil card games and you’ve got what I’m thinking of). I think we can be happy we’re not in this era anymore, though I’m sure there are still some being made.

    It’s a lot more interesting to me when they don’t try to simulate the video game experience because they’re such different mediums that it’s hard and often a lot less interesting. While the XCOM board game had a number of issues, I liked how it abstracted concepts from the game and made it a strategy game a few levels removed from what you do in the game. If they hadn’t done that it would’ve just been another tactical miniatures game, which we’re not short on.

  •  yads   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    Usually not. I feel like the randomness and complexity in video games is hard to recreate in the boardgame medium. If you end up simplifying those mechanics the game ends up being a worse version of something that already exists.