• Lol imagine if corporations controlled the water supply.

      Lead in you water? Oops! Hope you can afford a lawyer. Oh btw we’re the only water company in this town, just like the electricity and natural gas.

      At least you still have some control over the government (via voting), whereas you have zero control over corporations.

  • Same point could be made around wealth then, by the same logic 🤔

    Then there’s also a discussion to be had around why we distinguish between man made and natural in order to imply a judgement based on a pretence, an agenda.

    But if the point is that we could choose as humanity to end poverty, I’m totally in agreement with that part!

    Poverty is a collective choice, not inevitable

  • Humans don’t create prosperity. It was already here. Polluting the planet with artificial products and stealing resources intentionally for imagined prosperity is the act of humans and is not natural but a consequence of having free will and contemplative consciousness. Cutting off necessary resources for survival is cruel.