Hello, everybody, I’ve been thinking to move on from my Spotify subscription to move to Tidal or Deezer. I want to try out HIFI audio, but still get a good and stable experience. Are there any suggestions for which one I should pick? Could you also tell about your experience with those apps, or are there any other you would recommend more?

  •  ijeff   ( @ijeff@lemdro.id ) 
    51 year ago

    Leaving this one up but just a friendly reminder about rule 2 in the sidebar and that we ask folks to submit questions like this to !askandroid@lemdro.id. Thanks!

    Also a reminder for others to subscribe there, so we can ensure a dedicated space for those seeking help while maintaining the essence of what made /r/Android enjoyable for everyone :)

  • I realize you asked for other recommendations, but I suspect you don’t want to actually maintain your own music library but rather want streaming services recommended?

    Of the two alternatives you are currently looking for I do have experience with Deezer, although it has been two years at least. The music library is almost as complete as Spotify in my experience I rarely had issues with songs not being on there. The recommendation algorithm at the time was nice, but would sometimes get stuck in a hyper specific genre that would only reinforce itself.

    For HIFI audio you basically do need fairly good audio gear for it (decent wired headphones for example), I’d say that for most people it is not worth paying extra for as it is really difficult to tell the difference.

    One other service I have used is Youtube Music as it is included in premium. It does not have an HIFI option but otherwise is fairly okay. Basically worth looking into if you were also considering Youtube premium, but otherwise not really special.

  •  Bill   ( @Bill@lemm.ee ) 
    21 year ago

    I used Tidal for a bit and quite liked it, though it has quite a few gaps in its library compared to Spotify and YouTube Music. I signed up for Dolby Atmos music, which was hella cool but I blew through all the Dolby Atmos content I wanted to hear before the 30 day trial was up.

    Quality wise, as others have said if you’re using standard Bluetooth SBC it doesn’t matter anyway. If you’ve got decent gear and actually use it then it’s worth paying for Hi-Fi but that’s not most people.

    Free trial though. Can’t go wrong with that.

  • Ironically my fav lossless streaming service on Android is Apple Music. Amazon Music HD is also pretty good.

    Not a fan of Tidal’s UI and recommendations, and I hate that I can’t see album covers when scrolling through a playlist. Haven’t tried Deezer cause Canada

  • I’ve been using Deezer for almost 3 months, and I used Tidal for about the same amount of time in the not too distant past.

    I gave up on Tidal because they didn’t have the music I am looking for, and that’s okay, plus, their app was kinda bad.

    I’m about to cancel my Deezer sub, the app is fantastic, I’ve loved being with Deezer, but there content is constantly running into dead ends, their AI player is really neat, but needs much love to become awesome.

    Anyways, I hate Spotify, especially their UI, but we have a family plan.

    I’m always on the lookout for music apps/subscriptions that are awesome, but like someone already commented, I am starting to feel like PlexAmp may be my future.

  •  Pixel   ( @Pixel@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
    1 year ago

    I am really loving the sound quality on deezer, switched to it a couple months ago after my YouTube music family plan price jumped 50%. I put up with YTM’s awful quality for the (old) price and other perks (YT) for years but no longer. Haven’t tried tidal.