One of the admins at asked us to purge a community and all of its users because they thought it was full of child sexual abuse material, aka CSAM, fka kiddy porn. We assured them that we had checked this comm thoroughly and we were satisfied that all of the models on it were of age.

The admin then demanded we purge the comm because they mistook it for CSAM, and claimed that the entire point of the community was to make people think it was CSAM. We vehemently disagreed that that was in fact the point of the community, but they decided to defederate from us anyway. That is of course their choice, but we will not purge our communities or users because someone else makes a mistake of fact, and then lays the responsibility for their mistake at our feet.

If someone made a community intended to fool people into thinking it was kiddy porn, that would be a real problem. If someone of age goes online and pretends – not roleplays, but pretends with intent to deceive – to be a child and makes porn, that is a real problem. Nobody here is doing that.

One of the reasons we run our instance the way that we do is that we want it to be inclusive. We don’t body shame, and we believe that all adults have a right to sexual expression. That means no adult on our instance is too thin, fat, bald, masculine, old, young, cis, gay, etc., to be sexy, and that includes adults that look younger than some people think they should. Everyone has a right to lust and to be lusted after. There’s no way to draw a line that says “you can’t like adult people that look like X” without crossing a line that we will not cross.

EDIT: OK, closing this post to new comments. Everything that needs saying has been said. Link to my convo with the blahaj admin here.

  • Discourse like this sucks. Of course they are free to defederate but presenting this server as a place that allows abusive material is a gross misrepresentation.

    I’m assuming the post in question was the one of imcherryblossom. Two seconds of Googling shows that they are a OnlyFans/Fansly model and proves they are above age, and she pretty clearly looks it too imo.

    Equating that post with essentially abuse doesn’t sit right with me. Especially when this server has done a good job imo of banning even borderline content while mod tools improve.

  •  Mikey Mongol   ( ) OP
    1 year ago

    As requested, the correspondence between me and the blahaj admin, posted with her permission. It started with this message (her* original message is on the bottom, my reply is on top):

    • I had used “they” for Ada earlier, which was mistaken. My apologies.
      •  mihnt   ( ) 
        1811 months ago

        Right? I don’t think they know how long that community has been a thing. I remember it for at least most of the time I was on reddit too…which was just over 10 years so it’s been around for a hot minute.

          • To be clear, Ada has her own imperatives and her own community, and I’m not here to judge how she runs her instance. means a lot to a lot of people, and as a queer weirdo myself I appreciate that a place like it exists on the lemmyverse.

            • Hey, you’re an instance admin and this kind of collegial statement is entirely appropriate given your role here.

              Me? I’m a newbie here. I don’t have much to lose. My assessment of that exchange is: she bonkers. But that’s just me.

        • Huge respect for the professionalism you’ve shown through this situation and in the way you run your instance. The quality of the content here is already impressive, and it’s been the thing that’s allowed me to cut my last cord with Reddit. Cheers.

        • Well, I’m not familiar with who Ada is before this, but it honestly just sounds like she it’s taking a very hard gut-felt position on simulated child porn, and explicitly refusing to consider the problematic implications of her gut feeling. Consenting adults of any body type can and should be able to be “adorable” as a kink or non-kink nudity or other expression. Even if I completely understand the need to heavily dissuade CSAM, that sub just doesn’t fit that.

          It looks like the turn in the conversation was the use of “mistake.” It was accurate but clearly triggered Ada and she stopped listening at that point. I’m sure she is a good person worthy of respect, but she’s in the wrong and I hope she reconsiders.

            • Fun fact, if you click the “Instances” button in the bottom right of the page on any instance, you can see what other instances it’s connected with, and if you scroll down far enough, which ones are blocked/defederated.

              For reference, the instance we’re on, lemmynsfw, has 4 instances blocked.

        • I think your goof was the “I can’t be held accountable for your mistake of fact”. I believe they’re clearly the one in the wrong regardless though.

          It sucks but it is what it is.

          I think it’s been an interesting debate. You both make good points. Ads about how “it’s similar to Loli in that it is trying to look underaged” and you with “we don’t discriminate against youthful looking adults”.

          I guess I see it like DDLG kinks. I find it gross. I can see why people would want to ban it because they say they’re pretending to do something illegal like CSAM, but a lot of links pretend to do something illegal. BDSM pretends to tie people up and torture them but people don’t look at it and say “hey, you’re intentionally trying to look like you’re torturing people against their wills”.

          People seem to have a gut reaction to illegal things with children moreso than illegal things with adults and I guess that’s why some people have this reaction to wanting to “purge” communities like that as opposed to ones that do things like CNC, BDSM, etc. But hey, as long as everyone involved is an adult and consenting that’s totally fine.

          • I found that “mistake of fact” retort hilarious.

            She obviously took it as a personal insult, but the whole debate is based on her own mistaken identification. So it is hard to address the topic without also seeming to target the person.

        • Why do those images stay the same small, almost unreadable (to my eyes) size no matter how far I zoom in?

          As far as the back and forth, to be honest both sides are right after browsing that community.

          I took a quick glance at the community in question, and while theres a lot of people who are clearly adults and being adorable… they shouldnt be prevented or banned for being adorable adults making porn… But there was also, just from my quick glance, several posts that leaned super heavily into looking underage and look barely a day over 14. . and I don’t care how much you say they are verified and over 18, The people coming here looking at those pics arent thinking that. All they are thinking is they found a pedo safe haven.

          and that makes my skin crawl.

          And posts like that should fall under the same forbidden purview as Loli content, for the exact same reasons.

          • Why do you care if an 18+ year old who looks youthful does NSFW stuff? Take an extreme example, what if Hasbulla did nudes? He is 21 but looks extremely young. I can’t see how telling him he isn’t allowed to make nude content because of his appearance is anything other than ableist and body shaming. You don’t have to like the content or even like the people who would look at it to think the content is acceptable.

            If everyone is a consenting adult then everything is fine.

            • Its real life lolicon, and should be banned for the same reasons that that lolicon is banned. It doesn’t matter if shes actually 300 years old if she looks like a 12 year old. Its literally the same shit, people getting off to the fantasy/idea of a child, trying desperately to hide themselves behind the argument of “its just a drawing!” or “they’re really an adult!”.

              Anyone would mistake those 2-3 images for child porn. Just looking at them made my skin crawl, and thats after the admins claimed they were verified, and your argument shows thats all you care about. You don’t care about community. You don’t care about protecting the website. You care about keeping your pseudo-maybe-wont-get-you-thrown-in-prison child porn.

              if you want that shit, go back to reddit and join Spez.

              • I’m not subscribed to that community. It’s not my thing. I’m not into Loli either. Frankly, I do see a problem with Loli. I guess to me it is because the Loli “excuse” of “she’s actually 3000 years old but just looks like a child” but then they proceed to portray them exactly as someone would portray a child. They (generally, I’m sure someone has counter examples) don’t portray them as some wizened elderly woman in a child’s body. That’s why Loli generally feels disgusting to me.

                Age verification is the correct thing to do. In the broader internet where things are less strict I’m sure you can find actual underage actors (who are possibly even being trafficked) where it could be avoided with proper age verification. Frankly I think that’s just a super important thing (even apart from this specific discussion). An assumption I’m making (and I guess everyone is) is that the admins’ age verification is adequate. So, assuming it is, I don’t see a problem with allowing creators who appear young to make NSFW content of themselves. If it’s not adequate then there’s a much more important discussion that needs to be had. Based on some of the sticky posts over the past few weeks it seems like they’re serious about it.

                To your point, a lot of content makes my skin crawl. I just ignore it. If there’s any I think is actually illegal I’d report it. Maybe I haven’t seen the specific ones you’re talking about so maybe that’s why I don’t feel the same way. I briefly went to the community when I heard about this and just now to see what the fuss was and it just seemed like legal but youthful looking people. Or just folks in their mid twenties just trying to look cute or wholesome. I didn’t see anything that makes me feel the need to report anything as CSAM. That’s just me. I believe you should report content you think is CSAM, I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t.

                I know I said it before but I really do view this whole thing similar to folks who may not understand forms of kink are consensual. It’s not a one-to-one thing, but it is similar. Seeing a consensual rape-play session may make people question what the fuck is happening and may make their skin crawl. But if everyone is consenting then it’s fine. I understand why people would have a hard time accepting that (especially if they themselves have been abused).

  • I’ve seen both of these posts now, and it leads me to wonder what is the community? because this sounds like the same situation as the jailbait subreddit a long time ago, and if it’s literally a jailbait community then i’d have to agree with their decision to defederate. hosting jailbait porn is gross, equating that position to bodyshaming is insane.

    •  Mikey Mongol   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      Jailbait is by definition people that are under legal age, or at least pretending to be. If someone is of legal age they by definition cannot be jailbait. The appeal there is the violation of the statutory taboo, the allure of the forbidden fruit. That is not OK and we won’t tolerate that.

      If a grownup has a round face and is wearing braces, which is the post that I suspect launched this whole kerfluffle, that’s just how they look. I’m not going to tell them that they can’t be sexy, or you that you can’t be into them being sexy, because of their face or their dental work. Now, you can see why someone might be concerned that someone that has braces might be underage, since many people that are underage have braces. But once we’ve confirmed that they aren’t underage, that should be the end of it.

    • I’m not sure that’s equivalent comparison. I’m not sure of the community either, but my understanding is that everyone involved is an adult.

      R/jailbait was hosting sexualized content of literal children.

      This is closer to blocking a community because you feel that the models under the “teen” category look too young, even though they are all technically adults.

  • this community (adorableporn) is allowed on reddit and has 2.1m members there. why would you try to be more holy than the pope?

    if it’s ok for reddit and every ad company, then maybe this comm isn’t that bad

    maybe that admin was just flustered that their CSAM allegation was wrong and were unable to stop their demands from that point.

    if that admin actually believes in their allegations: you can’t ban young adults from presenting themselves in a sexpositive way.

    aren’t femboys also the same thing? it is a community of people that bases their identity on having youthful girlish looks. being “adorable” is also a goal of them.

    • I posted this a few minutes ago, but I think this is a great example of how the Fediverse should work. That instance had issues, they expressed them and the Admins of this instance did their due diligence. The other instance defederated as is their right, and if any of their users still want to participate, they can spin up a new account here, or on any number of other servers. I think this is true free speech in action, the posters haven’t been banned, blocked or told to stop. The ones with the problem have removed themselves from the conversation.

      •  parkomin   ( ) 
        11 months ago

        they removed themselves from a lot more conversations than simply the adorableporn one.

        i don’t think this is how the fediverse should work, you have a problem with one community, you block the entire instance for all your users.

        From what i understand the blahaj admins had no problems with the other communities here, but the entire instance is blocked there now.

        nsfw content is always an afterthought tho on social media and always gets cut down in some way for the greater platform. that’s why i value the ability to make an account here a lot.

        • I’m sorry if you though I disagreed with you. I have no interest in the content in question. I don’t personally like it, or agree with it. I also don’t want it banned, blocked, or censored. I’m a middle aged gay guy, and I have most of this instance blocked since I only want to interact with other gay men. Thats literally free speech. Your users can post/say what want, if it offends anyone/they can remove themselves from said content via blocking or reporting.


          Also, blaha doesn’t allow downvotes because that could discourage people from posting and getting support when needed. So it’s impossible to see how far allies have reported and downvoted the assholes trying to hurt the innocent.

  • So much drama about something so silly. If their concerns were valid about the subject models being under age, or trying to appear under age, then that’s one thing, but this is starting it boil down to a difference of opinion on what looks like CSAM…

    They say yes, you say no, it’s a whole thing of everyone having an opinion.

    That’s fine. Can’t control what others decide to do with their servers. They’re free to defed if they feel that’s the only way to handle it.

    IMO, it sucks to see this splintering of the federation over something like this, but it is what it is.

          • Honestly, while there was a lot of progress on calling out abuse and exploitation, everything around teenagers has gotten so charged that not vocally decrying anything that is even in the neighborhood is enough to get piled on. Pornhub now pretends the teen category doesn’t exist in their research analytics, most search engines block porn searches for teen, even though it’s always referred to legal 18/19 year olds (or late twenties depending on how petite they are).

            Like, I don’t miss “creepy uncles” being a thing that everyone brushed off, but this hair trigger response is way too much.

      • Even if your partner did find that attractive that would just mean that they, like the grand majority of the population, are attracted to the sexually mature/maturing 16-18 range. Something like 10 years too old to be pedophilia.

        This is a statement of fact not a statement of opinion, nor a statement of acceptance or encouragement. I say this preemptively because there are always those commenters who will attack you personally because they’re trying to manufacture outrage. Making it impossible to talk about real world subjects.

        • @Onebanana1 @tooren

          You might as well argue pouring sugar in your coffee could trigger drug addicts into taking hard drugs again, because white powder.

          It’s the same argument. Both are equally ridiculous.

          Actual abuse should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. But not because it might have incited someone else to break the law. You need an actual victim, with testimony, to conduct an investigation and a prosecution.

        • TFW you don’t even know what pedophilia is, but decide to have an opinion on it anyways… ^Of course I’m sure there’s a human out there that through some disease or abnormality never went through puberty, and still appear as if they are prepubescent.^

          You are, however, correct in that attraction is involuntary, it is not something one is able to control, and can have attraction forced upon them.

    • I believe their argument is that the community is a gathering place for stuff that looks like CSAM as opposed to any of the content looking like CSAM or not. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, but it’s important to represent people’s arguments correctly.

      • I appreciate this; I don’t disagree with you.

        Some would counter with “if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck”; which is a reasonable argument in and of itself. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suspect that if things are being said that is CSAM affirmative, then it’s possible or even likely, that the individuals in question are probably participating in the viewing, distribution, or even production, of such material.

        One of the good things about the internet is that it becomes harder to have a group or community so isolated that it’s not able to be inspected at a moments notice by anyone with an internet connection; Especially if the content is of a questionable or illegal nature, and the perpetrators of that content’s production and distribution are not very intelligent (and bluntly, most don’t seem to be). It becomes harder to “hide in plain sight” as it used to be, especially when trying to further your questionable or illegal goals. At some point those individuals need to poke their head into the public spaces to try to recruit more people who are sympathetic to their goals, and by doing so, they can readily be found, investigated and hopefully charged and imprisoned for their activities.

        If there is any CSAM on any lemmy instance, or people perpetrating CSAM via lemmy, I hope the individuals who are engaged in any related activity are caught, charged and imprisoned for their actions.

  • After reading both admin statements I’m not sure which side I fall on. Both raise legitimate concerns.

    On one hand, it’s incredibly shitty to shame someone for how they look, regardless of what they’re doing.

    On the other hand, fetishizing childlike appearances is also pretty skeevy, even if everyone is an adult.

    However, my understanding is that this is how the fediverse is designed to operate.

    Everyone has the ability to host whatever content they want and also choose which instances they want to see content from. isn’t going anywhere and if you still want to see the stuff there, there are numerous instances that can let you do that. Accounts are free.

    • A lot of people are taking it at face value that fetishizing childlike appearances even happened here, which it has not. This instance’s rules ban even fictive depictions of the underage. Drawings, anything.

      No one disagrees that fetishizing children is bad. No one. What you have here is the blahaj mods flipping out and thinking that this occurred when it did not. They even falsely claimed that the admins here are okay with that happening, which they are not.

      Let’s not dignify their position by accepting their false premise and then saying “you know they kinda have a point.”

  • This reminds me of how they essentially banned sex work of women with small breasts in Australia because of a poorly written law

    Some people can’t help but project their filthy minds onto other

    Breasts of all sizes are perfectly healthy and normal

  •  catgirl   ( ) 
    2311 months ago

    The thing I don’t get is they seem to host plenty of nsfw material themselves that would fall under that category of “child-like”. I’m not going to argue the specifics on where the line should be drawn, but I feel like they should at least moderate their own communities properly before such action against content that’s no worse than theirs

    • I mean, the real issue is that it’s entirely subjective. Once they confirmed that the material in question was in fact legal, that should have been the end of it. I already think that regulating hentai is dumb, but taking issue with real women’s bodies like Australia did?

      I mean seriously, what’s the point of drawing the line at 18, if you’re gonna ignore the line because women don’t magically shapeshift on their 18th birthday? The whole premise of legality is on age, not appearance.