• And ironically even the whole cuck thing is projection. Look up what Roger Stone and Paul Manafort have been up to. And I’m not sure about Stone but for Manafort there was major coercion on his end, so you can’t just chalk it up to a link, it’s just that the guy is a piece of shit like, let’s be honest here, all Republicans are.

      Not all assholes are Republicans, but all Republicans are assholes.

  • The most interesting piece of this for me is that the “gender politics index” is an even stronger predictor of Trumpy support than the “modern sexism index.” The gender politics piece is outrage politics - it’s culture-war, cult of victimhood stuff with minimal substantive claims attached. And that’s what most strongly predicts voting preferences.

    What that means to me is that, as with everything that makes the news coming out of high profile republicans, their positions are utterly cynical and calculated to induce fear-based rage voting, rather than a reflection of a sincerely held set of moral and cultural beliefs.

  • This is an interesting article showing about across the political divide people feel about masculinity. Interesting to see that both feel like a new definition it’s needed with positive role models. The difference is which direction to go.