there’s osm, but that doesn’t have the convenience of being able to just chuck in a place and have it tell me how to drive there, which I need if I’m at a red light and need to know how to get somewhere. ty :)

  • Has to be organic maps.

    I was a big supporter of OSM+ but its just too buggy to be reliable - My last trip it constantly said “keep left” when driving ( a topography bug apparently) And it has got the wrong route too many times.

    Unfortunately organic maps relies on your phones TTS for voice navigation - and I can’t seem to get that working with grapheneOS (even third party TTS)

  • I have to be honest, as much as I’ve degoogled my life, Maps is the one app I’ve yet to find good competition for. Every single alternative I’ve used has fallen short in some way, especially in terms of business details and street view, which are critically important for my work.

    Maps is just too good, and it is the only Google product I still use (albeit through GrapheneOS with heavily restricted permissions and a dummy account.)

      • Its one of those services where I don’t mind it since they use all that data to improve and personalize the experience. Its able to tell me exactly at a glance how long to get someplace because it knows where I am and where I live. It knows to recommend certain types of places based on where I’ve been, and it has an ENORMOUS userbase with tons of reviews for even the tiniest places. It will automatically update operating hours for stores etc by ‘robo-calling’ them and asking an employee greatly reducing the number of calls they take… on and on and on. Is it “creepy”? yeah maybe but honestly who cares.

        I even have timeline turned on. It remembers exactly when I went someplace. Like I was at a car dealership 6 months ago and needed to find a receipt they sent me in my email that I couldnt find otherwise… Check timeline to see when I was there and reference emails from that day, there it is.

        Also I weirdly consider the need that I might need to use it as an alibi someday.

        I’m completely de-googled otherwise. The places I go just honestly aren’t and never will be that interesting.

  • OruxMaps (android) supports several navigation methods, kml overlays, offline maps, various online and custom maps, good tracking, routes, gps, etc, etc. Waaay better than Google maps - although it can also happily use Google maps.

    • @VENMusica

      I’m testing it out and find the search very slow, even after downloading the map for the area.

      A second problem I’m having with Magic Earth (maybe it’s all apps that use OSM) but it seems to use the county name rather than the city/town for some reason. If I have multipe towns with the same street in one county, I just get a list of locations that all look the same so I’m forced to guess.

      I think my last issue with all the options I’ve tried except Here WeGo is they don’t provide contact info or business hours. I tend to use Google maps for that feature more than directions

      • I think my last issue with all the options I’ve tried except Here WeGo is they don’t provide contact info or business hours. I tend to use Google maps for that feature more than directions

        You can use GMaps WV, or just Google Maps in a web browser, for that.