• I see that, after people raised a whole bunch of issues with the proposal, there’s a new message on the Web Integrity API repository: “An owner of this repository has limited the ability to open an issue to users that have contributed to this repository in the past.” So the Google engineers’ response to people pointing out the defects of the proposal was to shut down people’s ability to raise issues with it. It’s a good little preview of how they intend to treat the web’s users.

  • This being just a Mozilla github issuetracker and 80%+ of Mozillas income coming from Google with the contract up for renewal this year. We’ll have to wait and see how much Google want this.

    • The whole point of them propping up Mozilla is to be able to point to it and say “we’re not a monopoly, see there’s an unrestricted alternative and we actually support it”. The moment they attempt to control it they open themselves up to antitrust investigations.

      • Google is paying to have a search monopoly in Firefox, they don’t support it. I don’t believe those motives from Google exist or that they would have any legal impact. It’s pure business and the only consideration they have is if they can afford to have Firefox users use a different search engine by default.

  • Google funds Mozilla to the tune of $450mus per year. That kind of money comes with strings. It seems likely that, some point in the relatively near future there will be a “we need to catch up with the cool kids” blog post after CoB on a Friday and the next point release of Firefox will have the WEI API implemented in it.