• Russia is launching “unusual” numbers of carrier killer missiles, among others, at urban areas in southern Ukraine.
  • The Kh-22 missile is inaccurate when used this way and exceptionally dangerous.
  • Its reported use in recent attacks on Odesa indicates Russia is continuing to engage in indiscriminate destruction.
    • I agree on the ending soon enough, however I think if Russia did hit a NATO state, Article 4 might not lead to an Article 5. NATO is already at a Article 4 so for the War so, so there is a huge amount of deliberation and intent to support without escalation.

      Also even if Article 5 was invoked, it would be a question as to who would actual send troops vs “such action as [the member state] deems necessary” which is fairly broad.

  • These are huge 2 ton warheads on 6 ton missiles that are complete overkill to destroy civilian infrastructure.

    It’s likely that the Russian Navy or Air Force has run out of everything else they can reasonably throw at Ukraine.

    It’s time to flood the Black Sea with kamikaze and surveillance drone watercraft and send more Russian warships to join the Moscow on the sea bed.