For me it’s Wolf children. I watch it when I’m not feeling the best physically or mentally. What’s your comfort watch?
Star Trek TNG and DS9. Brings back a lot of fond feelings and is my TV hug.
TNG is my go to show when I’m sick. So soothing!
Oh man, this is my jam right here:
Ctrl+F “scrubs” updoot
I very much like your taste 🤤👍
Haha that seems to be a very common thread with How I Met Your Mother fans. I cannot stand the ending it just makes me so mad. I have the dvd release though so it has the alternate ending
Honest to god had no idea there was an alternate ending… how is it?
Much better in my opinion. I mean it could be better but at least its not the punch in the face that comes out of nowhere like the normal one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5toL5HmQl8I Instead of destroying everything Ted has worked and resetting his character development for nothing it’s a happy ending. I guess I should say spoilers but cmon its a show from 2005
The alternate ending is better. Though it still doesn’t fix what they did to Barney in the last episode. Multiple seasons worth of development, just thrown out. Almost pissed me off more than the original ending.
I always thought the ending was just too abrupt. It’s not that it happened, it’s that they did it in the last 5 minutes of the last episode of the show. They spent an entire season on one weekend, then skipped everything we wanted to see for 9 years in a couple of seconds.
Hmm yeah that always bugged me too. The whole thing was just not a very satisfying resolution…
Parks and recreation
Ted Lasso and Supernatural
Whose line is it anyway, Friends, Ouran High School Host Club
Parks and recreation is my main one, or stargate for when im feeling nerdier
I absolutely love parks and rec. I have it on as background noise all the time. Don’t forget to treat yo self!
Bob’s Burgers, Star Trek TNG and DS9, MST3K, The Great North. Studio Ghibli stuff. King of the Hill. Probably more.
MASH and Star Trek
Bobs Burgers, The Great North, Arrested Development….huh do I just like various types of weird families?
Closest thing for me is probably Clannad
Gilmore Girls or Taskmaster in terms of TV shows, but Buffy, Stargate SG-1 and QI are in the mix as well.
Filmwise I would say Clueless.
So many people saying TNG haha. Is that show really that universally appealing or are y’all just my age?
There’s not really many - if any (I can’t think of any off hand) - shows like it. It’s got a bit of adventure and/or intrigue, but also drama, decent acting (most of the time), and most importantly a hopeful, non-violent message. Not even the newer ST shows (or the horrible JJ Abrams movies) can make that final boast. It’s definitely in my top three go-to shows.
For a generation that has nothing but existential threats and anxiety, TNG is a great show to watch. It’s nice seeing something on TV that’s actually hopeful for humanity.
Stargate sg1 anytime
Almost all Star Trek
The Bikini Beach movies
Holgan’s Heroes